Chapter 24- False Hope Dies and New Hope Arises

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Day 1460-

I sat in my room staring at the door. James walked in holding something behind his back. "Happy Birthday, Katrina. You are officially ten! So there is some one here to see you." He gave me a 'wait for it' smile and handed me a cupcake and then said," Come on. There is someone here. You are finally old enough."

I thought and thought as James kept trying to get me off my bed what could be waiting for me. Like I said, no one will touch me, so he just kept saying come on. I signalled for him to get out of my room because I wanted to change clothes. I was taller now with a built body and a nice rack so I had new clothes and I wanted to wear them.

I slipped out of my white night gown and put on a black bra and a tight black t-shirt with and dark jeggings.  I wasn't a normal patient here, I was here to be basically tested, so they let me wear different clothes. I put my hair in a side braid and tied it off with a white hair tie. I washed my face and then met James in the common room.

I thought I would be walking out to a normal scene but now there were armed guards all over. You leave the kids ward when you are sixteen and usually you see some older kids but every one ten and up was gone. The little kids went about there normal lives as if nothing was different.

I didn't feel curious or intrigued, in fact I still felt, you guessed it, nothing at all. But James directed me to a hallway by the nurses station. It was a room with a heavy metal door, holding a plaque that said: Meeting Room.

I stared at it for a moment motionless. Oh God, is my mom in there, I thought, Or worse my dad? Or maybe... No way... Do I get to see Rickey for my birthday.  My thoughts went everywhere trying to figure out what I would say or do if Rickey, my best friend, was just behind that door.

"Go on in." I heard James say, swiping his card over a sensor. "Go to the section for ten and eleven year old's." I suddenly felt a bit more unsure that Rickey was behind that door. But I walked in without another thought. I saw more doors behind that door and then my idea didn't just fade away but instead was dropped out of an airplane just to be shattered and covered in acid to assure that my small hope was dead and not to return.

I walked through the door designated for my age group and was greeted by a see of orange. Orange jump suits that is. Orange Juvi Jumpsuits. Turns out that the kids from the what I like to call 'Child Prison' came here once a week for therapy and check ups and while they waited, they got be like your pen pal. The Crazy Kids got to make friends with The Dangerous Kids. Lovely.

I was hoping that after four years had gone by, I would be reunited with my friend and maybe even Xander, but instead I met some one who I found very scary. I sat down where I was instructed and was seated in front of an eleven year old boy named Damian.

He had fierce, cold, dark blue eyes that were sprinkled with white flecks. His skin was a medium tan which paired nicely with his short brown hair. It was slightly spiked up in the front and gave him a devilish look. His teeth were like freaking white pearls that made my eyes widen when he flashed his oh so hot smile.

If I was to describe him in one word, my one word for Damian Avery, gorgeous. He was slumped down in his plastic chair, staring at me with his piercing gaze. I didn't smile or feel anything. Then after sitting staring blankly and coldly at each other for about two or three minutes he spoke up," Name's Damian Avery. And you must be Katrina O'Conners." He stretched out his hand as if to shake hands but I kept my hands folded across my chest.

He pulled back his hand realizing that I wouldn't touch him. "Well Kat-" I put my hand up gesturing for him to stop talking. I was to shocked to listen or speak. It took me a moment but then the biggest thing ever happened.

I was shocked. And I was shocked, because I was afraid. I felt something. I still couldn't feel Xander but my emotions were there. My emotions could be felt. I was tired and my arm muscles ached. That stupid plastic chair hurt my back. I was blushing now at the sight of Damian.

Damian was smoking hot but I could stop thinking about my dreams of him. Once we were lined up to be shot. Another time, he blew up the hospital. So my thoughts of him weren't the best; it was like meeting the person who murdered your mom. (if that makes any sense)

I looked up at Damian and smiled," Nice to meet you. I am indeed Katrina, today is my tenth birthday, and if you ever call me Kat again without my permission I will personally make you suffer." I stuck out my hand to gesture a hand shake and he took it. "Very serious, are we?"

"We are." I replied not loosing my smile. We silently sat smiling again but now this was a happy smiling silence. I got lost in thought, I am so happy. I thought I would be wracked with grief about... Then it hit me. I felt nauseated and heart broken. This feeling of loss and want for my friends back hit me hard.

I could tell that Damian saw my expression change into sick and sad because he got a look of worry and bent down beside me. "You okay?" He asked with concern. "No I..." my voice trailed off as my eyes averted to someone walking thought the door.

Suddenly a rush of energy, excitement, joy, and pure happiness hit me like an ocean wave. The smile that beamed back at me from the face at the door relinquished my fear, sadness, and grief. And this one of a kind smile quenched my desire for my two best friends.

Standing in the door way was none other than the one and only, Rickey Daniels.

***Authors Note****

I wanted to thank you guys again for all of the votes comments and reads. I apprciate them so much!! Please check out my friend Infinity_writes and Please go read one of my all time favorite books A Mostly Hate Relationship by ShesWithout!!! They are both amazing writers!!!!!

Love, AliLivesToWrite :)

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