Chapter 33- Make A Choice

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"What are you doing here Damian, you shouldn't be here." I had softened in his presence but I was shaky and ready to kill. "An orderly said that you said something about me once, before you knew me, and you said that I could calm you down. It was along time ago but they wanted me to talk to you."

"You know that if you are lying, I could easily read your mind and this would be over?" I asked . "Yes but you are a ten year old with an obviously serious attitude and I am an eleven year old who is in jail, basically. We handle things in different ways because you and I, including Rickey even, we are different.

"You wont read my mind and I don't know why but I can see it in your eyes. Now take a deep breath and figure out what medicine to put in Rickey. No one knows but you can know if you try." My mind sort of blurred as I watched his mouth. He was speaking calmly and in a way that seemed familiar, but in a way that felt like a dream.

I blinked and snapped out of my crazed state. I caught my breath and looked around. Every one looked horrified, but Damian looked relieved.

"What happened?" I said between heavy breaths. Then I turned to Rickey and saw him basically lifeless on the bed and something snapped it me. I could feel it brake and a rush of anger came over me.

"Some one better help him or I swear to god, I will reduce this hospital to ashes." I was so enraged. But then a voice came through the loud throbbing in my ears that came with the rush of anger. It was Damian's voice.

"You need to help him. Only you can save him." I shook my head. "They did this and they need to fix it. They need to pay for hurting my best friend. I will not ever lose him again." Damian took another step towards me.

The closer he got, the clearer I could see his big eyes. They looked scared but not of me. He was filled with a certainty that I could sense but he seemed afraid of those around him.

"Katrina," He paused and took another step," You have a choice and that is to either let the anger you feel shut you down and let Rickey die," I gasped making Damian jump," or you can listen to me. You can control that anger. Ask Xander to help you, if you must. You just have to control the rage and think. You can save Rickey but only if you channel that rage away. Now make your choice."

Just then I snapped out of my trance and was looking around in panic and confusion. Damian had a same look of relieve as those in the room. "Now turn and help Rickey," Damian whispered loudly.

I turned and felt the surge of anger. But as the rage consumed me, I felt hands tightly around my shoulders. "Let go... let...." My voice trailed off as Damian whispered in my ear. "Shut up and control it. You did more complicated things a few minutes ago. Now shut up and help him."

I inhaled deeply and picked up a large needle. I eyed it but something felt wrong. I focused harder and my mind cleared. "I need and eighteen gage needle, Norepinephrine, and a Phneumothorax Kit." No doctor moved. "Now!" I screamed.

I stuck the Norepinephrine in his central line. It helped bring up his blood pressure which had recently plummeted. "Eighteen gage." I demanded. I took the needle from the nurse and stuck it in his chest. He immediately started to breathe better until his lung collapsed.

I didn't need anything to tall me it had dropped so I took the Phneumothorax pin and stuck it in his right lung. He was stable as far as I was concerned but I still din't know how to fix the medication. I thought for a moment and then remembered something that was so small that the thought crossed my mind quickly.

"What is it?" Damian asked when he saw my face light up. "Drugs like the ones Rickey was given are administered to last long term but our bodies are different. The medicine messes with our minds so our minds get smart enough to process them faster. Rickey's mind knows what to do but he just can't because you all doped him up so the only thing to do is..." I paused and looked around the room.

No one knew where I was going so I finally just said it. "You make his brain process  the dope faster," I said in awe that no one got that. "That isn't possible. The dope is slowing his mind," A male nurse in the door way said confused. "It is if you know how but you people, I am now realizing, are loads more incompetent than I thought.

I pulled off and disconnected all of the things that were hooked up to Rickey and injected a syringe full morphine and one of and epidural. "The more that is in his body, the faster it tries to get rid of it. I know it makes no sense but just watch."

After five seconds, Rickey's eyes opened and he sat up. "Jesus you people really want me dead." Rickey said groggily. Rickey and I scanned the room then locked gazes. "Ass hats," Rickey and I said in sync.

I gave Rickey a hand and we were out the door before the other people could react. So we walked down the hall way. Right before getting to the common room, I stopped and told Rickey that I would catch up with him.

He nodded in response and kept moving. I caught Damian in the hall and pulled him over before he went back into a psych room. "How did you-" I asked, not really sure of what I was asking. "How did I know what to do? How did I know how to calm you down? How did the people know to get me to calm you down?" Damian responded.

"It was simple, you are a ten year old with an obviously serious attitude and I am an eleven year old who is in jail, basically. We handle things in different ways because you and I, we are different. You aren't the only one with a sketchy past and a quick mind." He winked at me and then left before I could respond.

Something felt different in Damian's presence but I wasn't sure what. I knew why. It was because of The Damian thing. But he was almost as mature as me and Rickey were. He had way to him but that also scared me because I knew that the way he was, would one day change the world.

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