Chapter 47- Things You Don't Expect

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*One day later*

"Calm down Rickey. I am fine," I argued as Rickey pestered me too know if 'I was okay' or 'if I needed something'.

"It doesn't hurt that bad does it? Because I can-" I interrupted. "Rickey," I put my hand over his," I am fine. Now go deal with other things. I am fine." I said gently. "Promise?" He whispered. "Promise." I responded.

He hoped off the gurney and began to walk away but turned to look at me as he passed through the door way. His eyes seemed greener than normal as his gaze sliced into mine.

"Promise me that you are fine?" I laughed a bit before responding," I promise that I am fine Rickey. Now go," I shoed him with my hand. And just like that, I was left alone in the room.

*Right After It Happened*

"No time for trauma procedures! Get to the O.R., then get to ICU. I will deal with the shooter!" A man yelled.


I heard the gun shot and ducked immediately. It felt as if the world dropped to slow motion after that shot went off. I was expecting the gun that escaped the chamber to fly and hit a glass window or the floor, but the gun... The gun shot me. It shot me straight through the chest. Directly by my heart.

Yet as people swarmed me, I seemed to leave my body. I watched the world around me as if in the corner of the room. I saw my body collapse to the floor and watched a puddle of blood expand around me as the people in the room unfroze and doctors swarmed in.

But the world went black and I was no longer outside my body. Now it was just blinding pain.

I felt myself jolt and jerk around as the gurney made tight turns around the building until we reached the elevator. I heard doctors whispering and felt pressure being applied to my chest.

And then my eyes shot open. That is when I started feeling all kinds of crazy pain. I began to thrash but not to resist but because the pain was to much to handle. As my eyes had opened originally, I sucked in air hard and hadn't taken another breath. I just couldn't. The pain... It was just too much.

Doctors struggled to pin me down but I still writhed in pain. And then I felt a pinch on my arm, then darkness.

*After surgery*

My eyes gently blinked open and I wanted to rub them but lifting my hand, let alone my arm, seemed virtually impossible. So my eyes, still sort of blurry, scanned the room. I caught a view of a doctor out of the window and saw that he was talking to... To Kathy. My heart was singing, my head full of happiness, but my brain was throbbing and my heart was aching as I was to tired to even keep my eyes open.

Kathy looked towards me. I didn't see her look but I could feel her gaze fall on my and she knew, god knows how, she knew that I was awake.

"Baby?" She exclaimed, running into the room frantically. I blinked once to let her know I heard her. "Katrina baby, I need you to say some thing." Her voice was desperate. But I couldn't do it. I could barely blink.

"Speak Kay-Baby," Kathy demanded. I mumbled something that not even I knew what I was. Kathy grabbed my cheeks and shook me a bit. "Katrina, your brain works." I mumbled again. "Speak, Kay. Your brain works now form a word." She demanded.

"Ouch..." I mumbled. "Oh my god, okay baby that's good. Just don't move," she said as the light seemed to fade. "Just don't die...." She whispered," please don't."


This is a short chapter so I will try to update again today!!!

Please vote comment, and well you know the routine!

Love you all!!!!


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