Chapter 17- Hally Waters

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I froze. My thoughts went wild as I remembered Xander saying," Don't trust Hally Waters." All the time that name had been brought up, nothing good was to be said about it.

She wasn't anything to extraordinary. Her hair was sandy blond and hung in uneven tufts around her shoulders. Her eyes were icy blue and cold. She wore shorts that were way to short and had a tank top on that was slightly ripped and stained with dirt and blood. Her shoes were torn up Converse with no socks and had splotches of blood splattered on the toe.

Over all, her look made her seem tough and hard but she wasn't the most beautiful with her thin pointy nose and rounded face. I would never have seen her as being someone in an asylum if she wasn't wearing those ratty clothes and had her hair a bit more decent.

Then again, as I studied her for a little bit longer, I saw cuts up her arms and stitches on her leg with raised red, long scars all over. As I kept looking, I found more and more scars on her medium toned, freckly skin.

A cutter, I thought.

I hadn't noticed but the guard had been speaking the whole time I studied her. When he finished, I snapped out of the concentrated state I was in. He took hand cuffs off of her hands and left. I didn't even notice the cuffs on her hands. We all were frightened and backed up from her a little bit when the guard left us.

A voice came on in my head, Hally is bad news. I shuddered and looked at Rickey. He seemed to have heard the same thing because the same look of panic crossed his face as did mine.

"Hi guys!" Hally said with a perky voice and a friendly smile. No one responded or even did as much as smile. She looked at all of us with an indescribable look of coolness. "Come on, did ya give the old newbie this much love? Not everyone smile at once."

Lillian was about to open her mouth but I was a lot more intent on speaking. "Hally Waters, age eight, only child, grew up on the streets with a group of homeless people. Mom died in labor. Dad ditched later on. She is arrogant, disloyal, rude, passive aggressive, and over all a total biotch.

"She is in for..." My voice trailed off for a moment as I processed what Xander had just told me. "Hally is here for being an ASAP and constantly being on SW. ASAP meaning Active Suicide Attempting Patient and SW meaning Suicide Watch. She was found attempting suicide in an alley; she was slowly bleeding out from a self inflicted wound on the leg. She was also with seven other people; three dead on the scene and the others in the hospital still. They are ages 17, 24, 8, 13, 28, 10, 7, and 15."

Hally narrowed her eyes a kept her gaze locked on me. I retaliated and stared at her with the same steel look as she had. A smug smile came across her face. "Stalker lady over here is sadly correct, but I figured that you all would find out one way or another so I guess that smarty pants over here just sped up the process."

She clapped her hands together and said," Anyone else want to share? I mean now you know that I have a death wish and cut and am indeed on suicide watch so who wants to open up here in our sharing circle?"

"Well I want to say something right her and now," Lillian said," A.) Bish gotta point, B.) My story is none ya bidness, and C.) Katrina isn't a stalker, she is simply way better than you in so many ways that even upon meeting her it makes your head spin."

She walked over and put her arm around me and finished off by saying," Katrina can read your mind and can do countless other things that will make you question if the sky is actually blue, so I suggest gettin' over ya'self before one of us take you out. You don't mess with me or my friends so back off."

We all got smiles but Hally's face stayed cold and fierce. She put her hands up and nodded her head while backing up," Okay, okay, I'm not gonna mess with the Brady Bunch." We all scoffed a little and Lillian spoke with a fiery tone and hate in her voice.

"Then quit trying to get rid of your pitiful life and go back to the Shady Bunch."

We all smiled at the comment and I put my arm around Lillian's waist and grabbed Rickey's hand. I wasn't Lillian's closest friend but she was there when someone was needed. I knew that putting my arm around her waist while her arm was around my shoulder showed that I appreciated her support.

Hally just walked away and went to nurse to be showed to her room. T.J. and Kayla wrapped their arms around Lillian and walked away talking and laughing. Of coarse, they went the opposite direction from Hally.

Watching the three of them walk away, it made me wonder, Where is Jessica? She had been in the actual hospital a week ago. She had to have been out by then, but I hadn't seen her.

I heard Hally's name called in a familiar voice. I turned and dropped my jaw at the sight of what was in front of me.

Standing in the hallway was Hally and Jessica; they were hugging and crying.

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