|Pack Index|

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Rankings by Power:

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Rankings by Power:

1. Dionysus

2. Perses

3. Adonis


Dionysus - The God of Wine, Revelry, Fertility, and Dance

Description: Although their pack name, might not fit with their title they are extremely agile. Swift with movement, devilishly handsome, and incredibly deadly. They are known to lure in victims, and kill them on the spot, showing no signs of remorse nor sympathy. 

Known For: Producing the world's best warrior's, and alpha's

Other Names: Pack of Hades/Pluto

Perses - The God of Destruction

Description: With the power to destroy almost everything they touch, they use it carefully. They are known for being above average in physical traits, and are responsible for 25% of the world's omegas.

Other Names: Pack of Vulcan

Adonis- The God of Beauty and Desire

Description: Although known for their peaceful nature, they do not back down from a fight. Even though they produce some of the worlds finest Betas, Gammas, and Deltas. They are highly respond for pure bred omegas which there are only 3 in the world. This pack being responsible for 75% as one omega was claimed. 

Other Names:  The Pack of Venus

Pack Omegas

Dionysus: N/A 

Perses: N/A

Adonis: Jimin, Jin, Yoongi

Pack Alphas

Dionysus: Kim Taehyung

Perses: Kim Namjoon

Adonis: Jeon Jungkook

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