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Yoongi's POV

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Yoongi's POV

He had tattoos covering his body, and shimmering grey eyes. His ash gray hair, was falling over his eyes as he loomed over  me. His long fingers ran down the expanse of my bare stomach, as he softly placed kisses following where ever he touched me. 

Softly moans began to fall from my lips, and echo throughout the room. I feel a soft pair of lips on mine, and my arms go up to wrap around his neck. His hands came down to squeeze my sides, and his soft tongue made its way into my mou-

He shot up drenched in sweat, casually wiping it from his forehead. Sparks were flowing through his body, and his hair was matted down onto his forehead. His breathing was heavy as he got out of bed. He had been having this dream every night, and he could never actually see the figures face. Shivering from the thoughts he made his way over to the shower.

Being an omega wasn't really easy, as everything that happened to him was magnified. His eyes would change color in tune with different emotions. The worst part though was that when he was aroused his sent would magnify, and attract multiple people. There had been sometimes where he was almost raped, because some people just couldn't control themselves. 

Slowly stepping in he sighed from the feeling of the cold water, and eventually got out. He wrapped a towel around his waist,  and went to his closet. Grabbing an over-sized sweater, and skinny jeans he put them on, and went downstairs. Instantly he regretted his decision when he saw Jungkook and Jimin fucking on the counter.

"AHHH!" instantly covering his eyes he turned around. 

"Y-Yoongi w-what the f-fuck are you doing d-down here?!"

"Really Jungkook you're going to continue to do what you're doing while I'm in here!"

"I-It's n-not like you haven't e-experienced it b-before Y-Yoongi"

"What do you mean experienced it?!"

"You know what I mean."

Jungkook was someone who remembered everything. Especially everything that happened with his omegas. They have experienced almost everything with him including...sex. Yoongi though had reverted back to being a virgin, since Jungkook wasn't his mate. Though you should believe that he did experience it. 

Immediately running back upstairs he flopped back down onto his bed. He had nothing to do and nowhere to go on this Saturday night. Closing his eyes he slowly went to sleep, to the howling of the wolves on the training grounds. 


Hours later Yoongi finally woke up, and went straight to the bathroom. Why he took two showers in a day he didn't know, why he went downstairs in just a over-sized pink sweater and fuzzy white socks, he knew. He was too lazy to put on pants, and wasn't going to try. 

Slowly walking down the stairs, he made his way to the kitchen. In the mood for a bowl of lucky charms, he reached up to get them down. Cursing because of his height, he began to jump causing his sweater to fly up to reveal his underwear. His attempts to get the cereal were useless, and he stood there with puppy eyes staring up at his only chance happiness. 

Swiftly a big wave of warmth was pressing into him from behind. Then he saw a ring clad hand covered in tattoos grab the cereal box, but didn't take it down. It pressed itself onto him further, not moving anytime soon. Hands were around his waist as he was pressed into the refrigerator, and he could hear heavy breathing from behind him. The source of warmth didn't move as he felt its lower half snap forward, but quickly move back.

"Shit..." was the only word he heard from a deep, raspy soothing voice until the figure walked away.

Yoongi stood there shocked, the box of cereal now resting in his hand. Instead of eating in the kitchen he went upstairs, and locked his room door. Shoving his hands in the cereal box, and then shoving the cereal in his mouth. He was thoughtlessly thinking of the person who helped him get his cereal down, as he watched T.V.


Taehyung's POV

"I want him, and I want him now!" His wolf Dionysus growled, at the thought of the little white haired boy. 

"Dionysus, give Taehyung his control back..." Hoseok said steadily, trying not to anger the wolf more than he already was. 

"NO! I will only give him his control back, when I get that boy!" Dionysus was sexually frustrated and angry, more sexually frustrated than angry.

"Dion you can't just go to their pack, and take their last unmated omega!" Hoseok shouted back

"And why can't I?" Dionysus was snarkily raising his eyebrow, well Taehyung's eyebrow.

"Have you thought about if he didn't want you?!" Hoseok asked


"Well there that's why you can't go a take the omega."

"Fine, I'll give Taehyung his control back, Bye Hoseok!"

"Bye Dionysus"

"I want him, and I want him now!"

"Not again..."


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I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, although it was a lot of dialouge.

So yeah.


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