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Yoongi was back, back to the day where he committed suicide

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Yoongi was back, back to the day where he committed suicide. Back in the same situation back in the moment. Right now he was trying to pull himself up over the edge of the building, but his body wasn't cooperating. He dragged his hands against the brick, as it peeled his skin back. Blood began to seep from his fingers but he pulled. He continued to pull himself but soon slipped now holding on the edge with one hand. Swinging his body up, he latched his other hand back onto the edge.

Finally he felt himself moving upwards, and there he laid on his stomach, and his face being scratched up on the concrete. Standing up he walked down the stairs that led from the roof. Making his way to his room, he felt his mark sting and burn. It started to pulse painfully, and pain began to flow through his body. His skin felt like it was being scraped from the insides. The bones of his body felt like they were snapping, and Yoongi knew exactly what Taehyung was doing. 

Tripping over from all the pain, he fell over in the hallway. His body writhing on the ground, as his chest tightened. His throat becoming smaller, and everything was turning black. He punched himself in the gut, and felt himself being able to breathe again. 

Limping over the bathroom Yoongi pulled off his shirt, staring at the mark that was on his neck. It was covered in welts and blisters. Burns and split skin were also very visible on the mark. Yoongi then grabbed something from the bag he had in his bathroom. 

He pulled up the skin that was covered in the black ink, he knew that he had to do this carefully. He slid the razor under the black ink, carefully removing it from his skin. The nails he hadn't trimmed were helpful as he removed the mark that tied him to Taehyung. The mark looked like a temporary tattoo getting picked at by a kid, as he peeled the rest of it off. 

His skin had a red mark in the shape of his mark as he looked at the remains. He carefully grabbed the red part, and pushed the razor beneath it. He felt lines that were connected to his soul snap. Each one pulling back  and connecting to the red remains of Yoongi's mark. Once the redness was fully removed his pale skin was now revealed. He flushed his peeled off mark down the toilet, and washed his hands. 

Once the cold air hit his now revealed neck it stung, so he grabbed some ointment and rubbed  it into the place where his mark used to lay. It instantly cooled the stinging, as Yoongi left his room. He walked outside and felt the fresh air dance around his freshly cleansed skin. 

He walked to the training grounds of the pack, to see Taehyung walking up to him. Taehyung smelt like maple and chocolate. Yoongi also knew that was not Taehyung's scent, and pushed Taehyung who was coming in for a hug. He could smell the putred smell of anothers cum, coming from Taehyung.

Taehyung growled at Yoongi's action pissed at how Yoongi was acting. Grabbing Yoongi roughly he pulled him towards him. 

"Why the hell are you acting like this!"

"You know why! So leave me the fuck alone!"

"Did you forget you're my mate, you belong to me!"

People were beginning to crowd around the bickering mates, wondering what was going on.

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