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Taehyung was snoring into his pillow as he held onto it tightly. Yoongi was snuggled up against him holding onto the grey sweater he was wearing.  The two had just got back from a little run and went straight to sleep.  Surprisingly though Taehyung still felt cold.

He groaned and pushed his back out causing Yoongi to cling to him even more. Throwing a leg over the older's waist, Yoongi was the big spoon for the first time in forever. It looked so peaceful, the air was with as they slept.

The door slowly creaked open to reveal Jin with his Polaroid camera of course. A few clicks here and there, and the boy was out of the room. Next person to enter was Kim Namjoon. He had brought some more blankets and pillows making sure they were comfortable.

The second to last person to enter was Jimin, he was dressed in a little baby chick onesie, he was in his headspace as of right now so he shoved his little baby chick plushie into Yoongi's arms.

Crawling up onto the bed in a hurry, Jimin placed a big wet kiss on Yoongi's forehead.

"Sleep well Yoonie!"

Surprisingly the younger didn't leave instead he shoved himself in between the two and laid down. Putting his feet on Taehyung's back, he pushed the older off the bed with all the force he had.

"Can't you see me and Yoongi are trying to sleep Taehyung! You didn't even pay us any mind." Jimin let out a small 'hmpf' before turning over to face Yoongi and going to sleep.

The last person to walk in was Jungkook. For some reason he had a sharpie marker in his hands. The younger looked around the room for Taehyung but had no luck. Instead he sniffed the air for his scent and followed it.

Taehyung was laying on the floor near the bed which was perfect. Jungkook crouched down and started drawing on the older's face, snickering as he did so. Taehyung now adorned a thick mustache and beard along with some pretty thick eyebrows which were all well drawn needless to say.

Jungkook walked out of the room, but before he left he blew a kiss at Jimin. The two omegas on the bed snuggled up together. Both yawned slightly before throwing their legs over each others. 

Taehyung had finally woke up and was glaring at the two as if they had cut up his favorite tiger plushy which he did still own. He grumbled and stood up to get back into the bed only to see Jimin laying in his spot. 

Taehyung groaned and walked out of the room and to the kitchen. He wiped his forehead with his sweater before he opened the fridge and peered in to see what they had. All they had was ice cream which was fine with him. Grabbing the cookie dough flavored treat and a spoon, he went to the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned on one of the dramas that his brother Jin watched. 


"NO JIHYO YOU C-CAN'T L-LEAVE JEONGYEON SH-SHE LOVES Y-YOU!" (TWICE and gidle are the only ggs I like



Yoongi came stomping downstairs with a sleeping Jimin in his arms. Jimin was clinging to him like a baby koala clings to its mother. 

"Taehyung cut those off, you know how you get when you watch that drama."

"NO! You know how the fans get, I will not stand for all this Jeongyeon slander!"

"Taehyung!" Yoongi rarely ever snaps after he had a good nap he's usually too tired to do so. 


"If you keep being so loud and wake Jimin up I WILL KILL YOU." Yoongi seethes while bouncing Jimin up and down in his arms. 

Taehyung finally took in Yoongi's appearance. Dark circles were under his eyes, his clothes hung loosely off of his body, and he had a bottle in his hand feeding a very tired and drooling Jimin. 

"Yoongi you'd look really good if you were carrying my pups."

"So I don't look good now? Is that what you're saying?!"

"N-No babe y-you look good or else I w-wouldn't be with you!"

"O-Oh so now y-you're only with me because of my looks?!"

"No! Yoongi I-I'm with y-you because y-you're an omega!"

"Wow! So my rank is the only reason why you're with me right now?! What if I was a beta! Or a delta?! Y-You're really discriminating towards other ranks Taehyung?!"

"I swear I'm not rankist baby or whatever that is, please don't blow this out of proportion!"

"Oh so now I blow things out of proportion?!" Yoongi sneered at Taehyung before marching upstairs. Taehyung though had forgot what happened and was drooling at the sight of Yoongi carrying Jimin like he was his own pup. 

"He'd still look good carrying my pups." Taehyung said to himself. 

"I heard that! You can keep dreaming Taehyung because it's not gonna happen!"

Taehyung had blanked out for a minute. 

"Wait! Wh-What's that supposed to mean?!"

That's when he heard a sob coming from upstairs. 

"See and now you've woke up Jimin!"

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