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The two alphas were focused on avoiding each other after yesterday, as they both wouldn't admit they were both turned on by what had happened. Taehyung and Jungkook walked around the house with their boners straining against their pants. The females and males of the pack looking at them hungrily wanting to have a chance with one of the alphas. 

Taehyung quietly walked around the house avoiding Jungkook everytime he saw him. He wanted to be a loyal mate but last time he had sex with Jungkook which was literally yesterday Yoongi literally laughed at them. Taehyung was still clueless about Jungkook helping the boy when his heat came around since he didn't trust anyone else to do it. 

Taehyung groaned and sat down his boner making it harder for him to walk to around. He grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. deciding to look st whatever was gonna be on. He saw Jungkook walk in the living room and he immediately panicked grabbing a pillow and putting it over his boner. 

Jungkook was panting heavily as he watched TV which gained Taehyung's attention. Taehyung watched as Jungkook's forearm was moving rapidly veins popping out as Jungkook gulped and bit his lip. Taehyung got up and walked over to Jungkook who was sitting in the single person armchair.

Taehyung tapped Jungkook on the shoulder and Jungkook jumped in shock as his hand shot up. Taehyung continued to look into Jungkook's eyes as if he was asking for consent. Jungkook was clueless to this as Taehyung picked him up and laid him on the couch. 

Taehyung crawled on top Jungkook and pressed his crotch against Jungkook's slowly but firmly. Jungkook looked in shock as he gasped and tried to push Taehyung off of him. Taehyung didn't listen and pinned Jungkook's hands above his hand. 

He then experimentally thrusted his hips forwards harshly and then moved them back at a quick pace. He continuously grinded on Jungkook biting his lip as he did. Jungkook had his mouth agape as his legs fell open lazily laying there, as his toes curled up in his black socks. Jungkook thrusted up when Taehyung would move his hips back causing them to move in opposite directions creating more friction. 

Taehyung then began to lift his hips , harshly slam them back down, and then thrust forward as if he was fucking him. Jungkook moaned at the feeling and clawed at Taehyung's back. Taehyung put his hand beneath Jungkook's thigh and lift his up adding circular movements to his grinding.

Jungkook's lose sweat pants began to rise lower until his underwear covered cock was revealed, a wet patch of precum staining them. Taehyung grunted and kept grinding in response. After a few more minutes their pants were on the floor as was their underwear as they rubbed the underside of their cocks together, the veins directly touching sending chills through the boys with each thrust. 

Their balls meeting every now and then adding extra stimulation to the pleasure. Taehyung then thrusted sloppily when he moved back as his tip was now prodding at Jungkook's hole. The tip barely inside as Jungkook clenched up a bit to tease him. Taehyung then pushed inside the dry feeling making him feel weird.

Jungkook teared up a bit at the rough burning feeling. Taehyung started thrusting slowly in and out for Jungkook's sake, but soon enough Jungkook began to release slick lubricating his hole. Taehyung began to move smoothly and then Jungkook clenched around him again. 

"F-Fuck Jungkook keep it nice and tight just like that!" Taehyung fell forward onto Jungkook from the feeling and moaned in his ear. 

Jungkook kept himself clenched as Taehyung fucked him. Jungkook cloud never imagine himself bottoming but he just wanted to get rid of the sexual tension he had with Taehyung. Taehyung's pace the began to change, from the hard rough thrusts to literal pounding. The veins in his neck beginning to show very prominent against his skin. 

His cock could be felt by Jungkook throbbing and twitching giving that extra feeling to them. Taehyung grinded onto Jungkook as he thrusted rubbing his lower stomach on the underside of Jungkook's cock. Taehyung was growling and his eyes had turned red, Jungkook was whimpering as Taehyung got rougher.

Taehyung could feel himself wanting to release but his body wasn't letting him. From his frustration of wanting to come he became harsher and more aggressive. Jungkook then came as Taehyung abused his prostate, spurting his  cum on his stomach and chest. 

Taehyung felt his balls constrict and tighten up and then release. His cock twitching and bobbing as he came inside of Jungkook. He pulled out until the tip was still in and then pushed all the way back in. Causing the cum to run out of the rim of Jungkook's hole. 

He loved the feeling of being surrounded by warm cum when he was inside of someone. Taehyung thrusted regardless of Jungkook's overstimulation and listened to the lewd wet noises. He looked down and watched as the cum poured out of Jungkook as he continued to thrust coating his cock. 

The cum dripping down onto the leather couch puddling beneath them. His balls running through the puddle and rubbing against the leather. Jungkook gasped and then softly pushed Taehyung away. It didn't move Taehyung though as he stayed put and softly moved his hips up and down as it went almost unnoticeable. 

They laid like this in the couch, with their bodies up against another's. Taehyung though still softly thrusting in and out of him, teasing himself in the process. It was like his hips wouldn't stop, the feeling of being drowned in cum was overpowering as he groaned into Jungkook's neck. 

After staying in the position for quite some time Taehyung pulled out his cock coated in the white sticky substance. Taehyung groaned as he sat with his legs open, his cock limp as he adjusted himself spreading the cum around on the cushion of the couch. Taehyung didn't even bother to get dresses and neither did Jungkook. 

Yoongi stood outside of the living room as he groaned in satisfaction Jimin beside him giggling.

"Finally Jimin they got rid of that sexual tension."

"I know right Yoonie it was really annoying."

"Good thing we made sure they went into that room together."

"Mhm we sure are geniuses Yoonie!"

"Yep now put her there!"

The two performed a little fist bump and ran to their room upstairs where they procceeded to gossip about Jungkook and Yoongi while holding their favorite plushies. 

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