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"Really Yoongi? You just had to didn't you."

Yoongi was currently looking in the mirror talking to himself still sore from last night. Taehyung was in the bathroom taking a shower washing off their fluids from last night. Yoongi was wrapped in a white sheet as he looked in the mirror.

His hair was fluffy and cheeks were now a pale pink as he turned and looked at himself in the mirror. His lips were still swollen which made them look plump and like a deep raspberry rather than the thin light pink they usually are. Yoongi hadn't been outside in some time now so his skin wasn't as glowing. 

Ever since he woke up this morning he felt nauseous and dizzy. Snapping out of his thoughts he felt Taehyung wrap his arms around his waist. Setting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder he sighed and closed his eyes. 

"Taehyung when are you gonna go back to your own pack?"

"I was thinking maybe next week you know Hoseok hasn't had any problems and apparently he's found his mate."

"Oh that's nice who is it?"

"Some omega named Jimin, or something like that but he said its he's in some poly whatever relationship with an alpha too."

"So he's basically dating more than one person."


Yoongi turned around to look at Tae before removing himself from his grasp and grabbing some clothes to put on. He decided to go with an over-sized sweater and some tights. Slipping those on he left Tae upstairs and went down to the kitchen where he made himself some breakfast. 

Grabbing a tub of ice cream he sat at the island and ate the mint chocolate chip ice cream. It reminded him of his old hair color before he dyed it back to black a few days ago. His fringe covers his eyes a bit but other than that nothing had changed. Jungkook and Jimin had been gone for some time now so that's why Yoongi hasn't tried to leave. 

Taehyung have had also been making some changes to Jungkook's pack because he didn't feel at home.  He changed the way they train so their warriors become stronger. He made them start wearing bandannas from now on when they go out and off of pack lands. Tae had also re-dyed his hair gray because his roots were starting to grow out. 

Jin and Namjoon have been visiting every once and a while, Jin would shame talk Yoongi about giving in so quickly, and Namjoon would cry with Taehyung about Jin withholding himself.  Let's just say that Namjoon was really frustrated and crying was his only escape. He had also broken two plates and 5 vases from how sexually frustrated he was, unintentionally though. 

Yoongi finally finished the whole tub of ice cream and went back upstairs. Taehyung was asleep on the bed shirtless, his tan skin was glowing and his gray hair was pushed back by the headband he had on. His features looked very sharp and strong while he was asleep. Yoongi observed Taehyung for a few more minutes before grabbing some shoes to put on. 

Yoongi quietly tip-toed back downstairs and grabbed his lip balm. Exiting out of the front door Yoongi went to the little pond he hadn't visited since high school. Taking off his tights he waded in the water. Cupping a bit of the water in his hands he sipped it and that's when he knew what was about to happen. 

An angry Chanyeol came out of the water his aqua colored eyes gleaming in anger until he saw Yoongi. Yoongi smiled his gummy smiled as he went and hugged Chanyeol the two haven't seen each other since Chanyeol started dwelling under water. You could say he was like and aqua man but he was more like a human who was more enhanced with paranormal attributes. 

Yoongi pulled away from the hug and smiled once again. 

"Min Skylar Yoongi! I haven't seen you in ages where have you been?!"

"Well I'm mated now and I'm with Taehyung. Also known as V..."

Chanyeol snorted in disgust and looked at Yoongi. 

"Him of all people Yoongi him of all~ people?!"

"Y-Yeah b-but please don't be mad at me I-I mean he's a great person."

"You should've never did this Yoongi do you even know how weird and weird meaning crazy he can get?!"

"Yes I do but I think I made the right decision Chanyeol...for us."

"For us?! Yoongi this was stupid and there is no us anymore Yoongi!"

"Chanyeol don't say that! I did this for us maybe there's a chance!"

"There is no chance okay! The Moon Goddess obviously didn't make me your destined mate Yoongi!"

"Chanyeol please! I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do after I finally finish the mating ceremony, I can reject him and take over the pack and then me a you can be together!"

"Yoongi you're an omega the only way you can take the pack is if he allows an-"

"See Chanyeol I've got it all figured out!"

Soon though Yoongi was struck with a look of disgust as Chanyeol sunk back under the water leaving him alone. So the omega sat their quietly maybe doing this wasn't such a good idea. 

"I am so gonna kill you Chanyeol the next time I'm able to walk again..." Yoongi huffed as he muttered under his breath. 

"Yeah right you said you wanted to have angry sex with Taehyung here's your chance" They were mind-linking right now as they went back and forth."

"I didn't mean now Chanyeol, I can't tell you anything why did you have me come out here and say all of this mess anyway, you said something about helping me with my "acting" why would I even need acting skills?"

"Well I gotta go..."

"Wait what why?!"

"Behind you.."

"Behind m-?"

Yoongi had turned around to a furious but hot Taehyung. His chest was heaving up and down and his hair was a bit damp from the mist in the air. The way his eyebrows furrowed and the veins in his arms, hands, and neck had protruded had Yoongi gawking. Maybe Chanyeol did do him a favor. 

"Out the pond now."

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