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Yoongi was currently laying in his old room, with a cast around his neck. He was playing with the hem of his sheets since Jungkook decided it was best that he was on bed rest and Yoongi oblidged. 

He heard a knock on the door, and saw someone with pink hair shuffle inside. 

"Minnie? Is that you?"

"Hi Yoonie!"


"Are you ok? My Kookie said that I can come and visit you, and that we can spend time together!"

"We'll get up here then Minnie!"

Yoongi and Jimin were both giggling as they watched My Little Pony. They hadn't watched T.V. With each other in so long so they were both extremely happy.

Jungkook then  knocked on the door when he heard a bunch of laughing coming from Yoongi's room. He slowly entered to see Jimin and Yoongi now cuddled up watching T.V. Jungkook slowly crept over wanting to join the fun.

He slipped in between the two omegas and wrapped his arms around both of the boys.

"Kookie!" They both squealed in sync and then they both snuggled up closer to him. They watched My Little Pony for 3 hours before they all fell asleep.


Jin and Namjoon were planning to go and visit their  babies, but when they got there they couldn't find them.

Namjoon left to go for find them, since Jin was now pissed off that his little babies weren't standing at the door to greet him. He angrily filed his nails and reapplied his lipgloss.

Jungkook woke up as soon as he heard something break in the hallway, and and memorable yell. Jungkook groaned as he got up, and then cooed when he saw the two boys cuddle with each other when he wasn't there.

His mood was once again ruined when he realized Namjoon was still out there destroying his house. 

"Namjoon hyung what the hell sorry are you doing, I love you very much?!"

"Well...I was coming to find you, Jimin, and Yoongi but then I saw this pretty vase, and then I forgot my powers were still on high alert so I brushed my fingertips against it, and it broke into pieces!"

"What in the hell were you destroying before that had your powers on high alert, and why do you reek of sweat?!"

"No reason..."

"Well, where is Jin?!"

"Jin might be a bit pissed at you!"

Soon they heard a yell from downstairs.

"Namjoon is that Jungkook?! Tell him I'm coming up there to beat his ass, and that he is a disrespectful little cunt!"

Namjoon mouthed run to Jungkook, who then ran for his life. Although Jungkook was an alpha Jin was still very fast.

"Get your ass back here Jungkook!"

Jungkook skidded to turn around a corner but was pinned against the wall by Jin. Jungkook gulped as he looked up at he omega.

"Where are my babies?" Jin's motherly and incredibly protective side came out.

"T-They're upstairs s-sleeping, please don't hit me!?

"Thank you Jungkook."


Jungkook then thought to himself for minute. 

"Wait they didn't come to see me?"



Jin immediately walked upstairs following their scent, and Jungkook angrily trailed behind him. Jin then smacked Namjoon on the back of his head as he walked too loud up the stairs. 

Jin immediately cooed when he stepped into the room. He looked at his little babies who were holding each other as they slept. Then he saw that his little babies had the cutest little bows in their hair. 

Namjoon then came in behind Jin, and slung his arm around Jin's shoulder. Jin then wrapped his arms around Namjoon's waist and shoved his head in the crook of his neck. Crying from the amount of pride that was swelling in his chest. 

"I know that we raised them right Jin.."

Jungkook consciously rolled his eyes continuously at the couple, also snorting a few times but stopped when he earned a death glare from Jin.

The couple felt like they were reminiscing on their past life. Then Jin noticed that his little Yoongi still had a mark on his nowhere.

Jin the went to find Jungkook to ask him, but realized that he was behind him. 

"Why doesn't Yoongi have a mark yet?"

Jungkook hesitated before he answered that question, not wanting to expose the business of the younger. 

"Um...well, he just hadn't found the right one yet."

"Oh, ok"

Jin then turned around and walked into the closet. He groaned as he grabbed two pairs of socks angry again at Jungkook for not noticing this. He took the socks and put them on the bare feet of his children. 

Yoongi and Jimin both woke up to the smell of Jin's scent. They immediately hopped out of bed, and their little feet pitter pattered across the floor, into Jin's arms.

 They immediately hopped out of bed, and their little feet pitter pattered across the floor, into Jin's arms

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