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What would strawberries and cigarettes relate too most in BTS like I have a draft and everything for when I finish this book but I don't know who it would be about in the group.

Book Name: Strawberries N' Cigarettes
1st chapter preview
Chapter 1:

|Remember when we first met? You said "light my cigarette"|

It was like a thin smoke but thick at the same time. One that swirled in his lungs and coated them in a black dust. It was slow suicide at its finest. A small little tap was all it took as the line of ash fell to the ground.

The paper wrapped tobacco burned at its own pace. A drug it was, a neurotoxin, the affects of something so small ended up being so big. It was an addiction, an addiction to life. The feeling of knowing you're slowly killing your self reassured him that he was alive.

His way of thinking seemed sick but was just that accurate. The thought of slowly killing yourself was exhilarating to him, but he would never commit to it. Though many attempts of it was nothing he shied away from, he would take pride in it.

Pride in the pain

So then his addiction was over when the heat disappeared from his fingers. The slight burn was gone, the tingle had diminished. His temptation to indulge in his addiction was strong but not strong enough as he walked back into his house.

His boots leaving black marks all over the beautiful oak wood floors as he drug them along. The posture of his body was that of someone uncomfortable. When in reality you could never really know if he was really okay...if he was ever okay.

The dirty blond hair laid against his forehead, complimenting his melanin nourished skin. As glowing as his complexion was his reality wasn't. After multiple attempts at suicide he learned that he could never really escape this world. It would still haunt him even on the other side.

Running his ring clad fingers through his hair, the male sighed. Everyday had been the same — a never ending cycle of life. It was like he was destined for this, destined to suffer. Though he never questioned it, he didn't believe in breaking the cycle because it the only thing he knew.

The unknown for others was thrilling but to him it lead to something new. It lead to a whole new path to take. More decisions and more mistakes wasn't ideal and it was something he avoided. For it was him who chose to disregard the unknown for something he knew and in the end brought himself to hell that he called home.


The sickeningly sweet juice ran down his fingers and coated his lips. It was an adhesive that held him together. As it poured down his fingers coating them in a sweet shell. His eyes widening as he admired the staining pink juice.

It was an alternative for the real thing, something that kept him distracted long enough. It was just like a strawberry, sweet and berry red. When in reality  a strawberry was an imposter. It wasn't a berry and it wasn't really authentic.

It was a hybrid and an imposter of berries. That's why he loved them so much. A strawberry replicated a human in many ways. It was hybrid — an imposter of its own kind. Just like he, it was just a copy but it wasn't one in a million.

His cheerful and delightful personality though held him back. It played with him like a marionette, manipulating him in such ways that caused problems. Messing with his sense of judgement and social awareness. It was weird that two of his greatest qualities in reality were his greatest weaknesses — his burdens.

It led to his insecurities, his imperfections, and perfections. It was what made him, him. Though he was different from most people he wasn't one in a million, and he wasn't authentic. Instead he was just a carbon copy, expired and used beyond its limits for it was him who brought this upon himself.

One liked strawberries and shotgun kisses
Another liked cigarettes and strawberry flavored love

I'm feeling like I come to you guys way too much for advice I'm gonna go write another rough draft for sheep's clothing sorry for bothering you guys all the time.

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