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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

Taehyung was fighting on the training grounds, ripping his opponents apart piece by piece. He was angry and frustrated, his beta just tried to tell him that he couldn't have that omega he encountered at the Adonis Pack. His ash gray wolf, was clawing at his own pack members. They were all wondering what was wrong when he was about to kill one of them.

Lurching forward Hoseok pulled Taehyung off of the warrior, and dragged him into the forest. Immediately Taehyung shifted back, his ash grey eyes had patterns showing up in his eyes. As his pupils rapidly dilated. The patterns were changing, reminding Hoseok of a kaleidoscope. 

"Taehyung you need to calm down!" Hoseok yelled in fear, he was feared for his friend, not wanting him to cause anymore damage. 

His voice was deep, and raspy like those of demons, immediately Hoseok took a step back.

"I want my omega." You could hear the want and need in his voice, you could feel the strain of his throat, as he resisted the urge to go and take what he believed was his. 

"Taehyung just calm down, and we'll have a meeting with Alpha Jeon about the whole ordeal." Hoseok tried to rub soothing circles on his arm, but Taehyung wasn't having it. 

"I don't want to have a meeting! I want my omega!" Taehyung was growling as he talked trying to lurch out at the pack members, but Hoseok was holding him back. When did the pack get here they don't know, but they have never seen there alpha act this way.

"But Tae! If we have a meeting you can have your omega okay?" Hoseok was trying really hard to calm the alpha down, and he was trying to choke one his warriors. 

"Just think of your omega Tae, think of what he looks like, how he smells." 

Taehyung's breathing was finally slowing down, and his muscles had finally stopped expanding. He thought of the fresh vanilla and raspberry scent, of his omega. His mind was clouded with lust and desire, want and need. As he felt a different urge for his omega, one that eluded everything else in the world. 

Hoseok had just finished setting up the meeting with Alpha Jeon for today, and he was about to get Taehyung so he could leave, but then he smelt a very familiar and rare smell coming from the alpha.



"You are not taking my last omega!" Jungkook yelled, and growled at Taehyung.

"Yes I will! I want him and I will have him!" Taehyung was grabbing on the edge of table so he could resist, the urge to kill the alpha standing right in front of him


 Yoongi's POV

Yoongi crawled out bed at the sound of yelling coming the from the meeting room. His small fists rubbed against his eyes as he held his teddy bear in one arm, and the other one limp by his side. He had on a white cotton sweater that stopped a above his knees by a little bit, and white thigh high socks on his legs. 

Yoongi never really cross dressed, but when he wore things to sleep it seemed like he did, plus all he ever really wore were sweaters. Slowly but surely he made his way downstairs, and the yelling got even louder. Omegas naturally didn't like loud noises, so he flinched when he heard the sound of a vase smashing against the wall, and tears were staring to run down his face.

His nose was now slightly red at the top, and his cheeks were flushed. He tiptoed towards the meeting room, and cracked the door open so he could slightly take a peek. He saw a man with ash gray hair, yelling at Jungkook and throwing things, with Jungkook throwing things back.

Suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder, he jumped and turned around to see Jimin holding a blanket and teddy bear in one hand, and another blanket in the other. Jimin pushed the light blue blanket towards Yoongi for comfort, and Yoongi took it. 

"Thank you Jimin" he whispered softly

"You're welcome" Jimin whispered back

All of a sudden, they felt the door open more and more, and saw Jungkook peering down at them. 

"What are you two doing down here?" he used a soft, but stern tone with the omegas knowing that they were probably already scared of what happened in the meeting room. 

Yoongi ran inside the meeting room to escape Jungkook, but bumped into someone. He looked up to see grey eyes peering down at him, and for some reason he began to make grabby hands 

Taehyung looked down, shocked at the actions, but still picked him up. The omega buried his head, into Tae's neck. Taehyung looked back at Jungkook with a victorious smile, loving the way his omega had shown his want for him.

Carrying the omega out of the room, Taehyung looked and saw that the omega was back asleep so he walked upstairs, until he found a room with the name Yoongi on it. It was decorated with pictures of puppies, and stuffies around the room. He laid the omega down, but as soon as he was out of that room, he was angry again ready to finish the conversation he had started to with Jungkook about his omega.


I love how much inspiration I have for this book!

Yoongi is starting to seem like a little, and I don't know what to do.

Oh well!

So yeah



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