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When the others disappeared from the pack house leaving the mates in an empty house, but Yoongi was unfazed by Taehyung's suggestive looks. He simply ignored him as he walked away. Taehyung had been trying to get the other to give into him for quite sometime now but it just wasn't working.

Yoongi was always up for a challenge when it came to anything so he wasn't gonna loose this either. Taehyung on the other hand hadden't fucked Yoongi in about a good week and he wasn't about to wait an extra four more weeks to do so. He honestly didn't care about the boy and his challenge all he wanted was some ass to hold him down for the night.

His multiple advances and suggestive looks were only being met with scowls and the rolling of his mate's eyes, but he didn't want to give up. Well then he gave up when Yoongi had said something that gave him nightmares.

"If you keep this up I'll make it two months!"

"Where do you learn this stuff?!"

"From Jin of course!" Yoongi smiled a smile that was full of pride.

"Well don't listen to the things Jin said or that stupid bet thing you guys made we haven't fucked in a week Yoongi a whole motherfucking week!"

"Humans last longer than you, this is pathetic it's just 4 more weeks of no sex I'm sure we can do it!"

"Oh hell no you are giving me some ass! I'm fucking starving over here I haven't ate in a week! You are starving me!"

"Well guess what, I guess your starving for four more weeks because this ass is off limits."

"Yoongi all I want is just one fucking fuck why can't I have that?!"

"Because you don't need it you just want it and that's that, when you need my ass hit me up next month!"

"You are seriously working my last nerve Yoongi!"

"yOU aRe sErIoUsly WoRKing mY lAsT nErve yOOngi dur dur dur.." Yoongi mocked him making dumb facial expressions and flailing his hands around.

"Mothering fucking Min Kim Fucking Yoongi stop mocking me!"

"SToP mOckInG mE dur dur dur."

"You are really working my last nerves..." Taehyung's eyes began to wave over going from their usual black to a deep onyx.

"yOu'rE rEally wOrkiNg mY la-, Ah!" Yoongi shrieked as his body was slammed against the wall.

Taehyung leaned down and whispered into Yoongi's ear — the boy's front being pinned against the wall.

"Didn't I tell you, you were working my last nerves?"

"Then why aren't you dead yet, if that was your last nerve then you should've been un- eek!" Yoongi let out a squeal almost shrill scream from Taehyung's hand slamming down beside his head causing him to jump back into the older's chest.

"Stop saying stupid shit." Taehyung growled lowly into the omega's ear already aggravated by his past remarks.

"Mkay.." Yoongi whimpered against the wall as Taehyung pressed harder against him.

"Now what we're gonna do is you're gonna make it up to me." Taehyung hummed at the thought.

"M-Make it up to you?" Yoongi whispered breathlessly.

"Mhm make it up to me, no talking, no nothing, except for pure fucking." Licking his lips at his own statement he quickly flipped the younger over so that he was facing him, his back against now against the wall.

Yoongi stared into his eyes, disappearing in the galaxy that they held. Taehyung stared back at the omega, brushing his lips against the younger's as he spoke.

"Can you do that for me it?" He whispered as they shared a little eskimo kiss as he talked.

"Y-Yeah..." You could see how tense the omega was gulping from the thought of being stretched by Taehyung after a week was like heaven for him.

"You're such a good boy, but today you weren't at all...you tried to keep me from claiming what's mine..." Taehyung trailed off as he unbuckled the omega's pants letting them pool at his ankles. His cold fingers running down the sides of the omega as his fingers dipped below the waistband of his boxers.

Yoongi's breath hitched at the thought of Taehyung jerking him off but ended up pouting in disappointment when Taehyung curled his fingers around the waistband and slid them down as the pooled around his ankles like his pants did.

"Don't be so upset baby you don't need any foreplay or prep today, you weren't a good boy." Taehyung started while licking his lips hungrily.


"No buts Yoongi you were a bad boy and bad boys get punishments."

"Can't you just take away my chocolate milk for a whole day."

"No because it defeats the purpose of my intentions." Taehyung said chuckling as he responded to the others suggestion.

"But what about-mhmpf!" Yoongi was cut off by a kiss.

Taehyung snaked his arms around the boys sweater clad waist tugging him as close as possible. Yoongi's hand going up to Taehyung's ash grey locked tugging on them ever so gently. Taehyung's tongue swirled around in Yoongi's mouth the taste of mint and berries hitting his taste buds. Yoongi moaned from the sudden intrusion of his mouth, enjoying the feeling.

The kiss becoming sloppily as teeth clashed and lips were bitten. Taehyung pulled back panting slightly from the desperation of the kiss. His lips now crimson color d because of the stain of Yoongi's blood.

Yoongi whined wanting the older to do something else, which caused Taehyung to growl in response and unbuckle his skinny jeans pulling the down his legs and kicking them off along with his boxers.

Yoongi stared at Taehyung's hard length before gulping seeing that it was bigger than before. It was twitching, red, and angry. The veins pulsing from it had drool trickled down the side of Yoongi's mouth. The tip was shining with precum, something that Yoongi had now craved to have in his mouth.

After being distracted by his cock, Yoongi let out a scream when he felt something stretch him open so suddenly. Taehyung's head fell onto Yoongi's head from that one thrust, the immediate involuntary clenching Yoongi did around him — causing more pleasure.

That's when he began to move, one hand holding up Yoongi's  thigh cupping it from underneath, as he began to thrust strongly but slowly.

The burning sensation caused tears to roll down his face the pain not fading like it did all the other times.

Yoongi dug his nails into Taehyung's shoulders, crying out from the pain as he whimpered into his mates neck while Taehyung grunted and groaned from the pleasure.

"T-Taehyung i-it hurts!"

"I know baby it's suppose to hurt it's punishment."


Taehyung was getting annoyed from Yoongi's constant whining and began moving faster. His hips snapping back and forth as he burrowed himself repeatedly into Yoongi's tight heat.

Yoongi then threw his head back when Taehyung hit his prostate. The mix of pain and pleasure causing him to moan out louder as Taehyung's cock massaged his prostate repeatedly.

His moans turned into choked ones barely being able to breath or put together a full sentence. He ran his nails done Taehyung's back leaving red lines that healed instantly. They spent the rest of the night like this because Yoongi was sure that he wasn't giving him any ass for the rest of these days.

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