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It was currently getting closer to midnight, for the Adonis Pack midnight was incredibly important, it was the celebration of omegas. But it was only subjected towards male omegas since female omegas were pretty common in the werewolf world. 

Yoongi was getting all dressed up while Taehyung sat on the bed watching him with his lip in between his teeth. His eyes scanning up and down his mates body itching to touch him one last time before this party.

Taehyung already knew that he wasn't really welcome in the Adonis Pack and that no one knew of his arrival so this was going to be fun. Yoongi pleaded and begged him prior to getting ready that he shouldn't make a scene but Taehyung loved big, big meaning  bad.

Taehyung's Outfit

Taehyung's Outfit

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Yoongi's Outfit

Taehyung had made sure he looked perfect for this event, which included him cutting his messy hair well more like Yoongi cut it

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Taehyung had made sure he looked perfect for this event, which included him cutting his messy hair well more like Yoongi cut it. He was going to grow it back quickly with the help of Seokjin's hair growth stuff to get your previous hair style back. Taehyung smirked, looking at Yoongi who was frowning in the mirror at his appearance. 

Taehyung walked up and back hugged Yoongi sitting his head on his shoulder and smiled his big boxy smile at him in the mirror. Yoongi tilted his head and smiled but immediately frowned again when he looked at himself in the mirror. 

"Do you think I look too serious?" Yoongi asked with his head tilted. 

Taehyung chuckled and pulled Yoongi as close as he could and whispered in his ear playfully. 

"If anything I think you look cute but sexy at the same time." Yoongi giggled in response when Taehyung began peppering his cheeks with soft kisses. 

Yoongi held onto Taehyung's hands that were clasped in front of Yoongi's tummy as he giggled. Taehyung chuckled before turning Yoongi around and kissing him, pulling away only once just to tell him how beautiful he was. 

Yoongi and Taehyung walked down stairs as they were a bit late to the party. Yoongi and Taehyung felt the spotlight hit their eyes and they immediately smiled squinting but still able to make it look like they were okay. Taehyung held Yoongi's hand the whole time as they made it down the stairs. 

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