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A/N: Today's chapter is going to be Taehyung-centric or mainly focusing on Taehyung, so yeah.

Taehyung was pissed and I mean pissed, without Yoongi he felt as if he was going crazy. He had already killed 12 pack members for little mistakes, like coming in his room, and touching the blanket that Yoongi left here. He just didn't want anything tainting Yoongi's things or messing up his scent. 

He was currently in his room throwing knives at the dart board Hoseok had put in his room for his stress. Although it didn't get rid of all his anger it honestly did help. But the worst part of all of this is that he could feel Dionysus scratching at his insides trying to take control and he wasn't going to let that happen. 

Thinking of ways to calm down he went into the bathroom and ran some water. He turned on the jets and massager and sank down in the water. Although all he could think about was his Yoongi. His hands starting to creep down his thigh to his dick but he stopped himself before he was sexually frustrated for the 10th time this week. 

After sometime of sitting in the tub moaning from the massage and jets he got out and grabbed some clothes but he still didn't put them on instead he secured them to his ankle and climbed out of the window. Who even climbs out of a 4-story house naked. Well Taehyung does and he had actually successfully made it down. 

Once he had touched the grass he immediately shifted and ran as he let his wolf take him to his desired destination. Once they reached the beautiful oasis that separated him and the rest of the packs he continued to run and run. His gray fur blowing in the cool mist and air.

He could feel the ground beneath his paws and exactly how fast he was running. His legs and muscles beginning to ache after running for hours but still he pushed through. He ran until he was almost numb and shifted back into his human form behind a tree before he changed into his clothes. 

He limped towards the side of the house seeing Yoongi's window and made an attempt to climb up but skidded down the wall. He then felt something wrapping around his ankles in an almost painful grip which then turned painful. He turned around to see the luna of the Perses pack with green onyx like eyes and vines growing around his ankles.

Taehyung looked down to see what was holding onto his ankles and saw that Jin was the one who had him in a painful grip. Two thick vines were each on one of his ankles holding him in place.

"Look Taehyung next time you want to see my baby just ask, no breaking and entering."

"Oh, um ok?"

"Now go on I'm going to lift you up so you can go and see Yoongi."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Your welcome, and next time you cause my baby to make another attempt at suicide you'll be the one wanting to kill yourself instead got it."

"Yeah I got it."

Jin then manipulated the vines to lift Taehyung up to Yoongi's for some reason unlocked window. Taehyung felt himself smack face first on the brick wall before he made it to the window and turned to glare a Jin.

"Hey I'm just saying it's all pain and pleasure where I come from!"

"I think I know that Jin."

"Yeah you do, now listen here you may be my younger brother but I can still drop you to the ground."

"You wouldn't let me hit the ground though you care about me too much!"

"I'm so telling dad about this when I come and visit! You know you are going to be in so much trouble! You already know he doesn't want you with an omega because you're way too much!"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh yes I would!"

With that Taehyung felt himself getting flung inside of an open window and a windshield wiper laugh coming from 2 stories down. He groaned as he picked himself up and dusted off his clothes. After getting himself situated he turned around and saw Yoongi laying in the bed sound asleep.

Yoongi's POV

His vision was clouded as soon as he opened his eyes. He felt like he couldn't breathe but could at the same time. Sweat dripping down his bare body as he felt the weight of somebody on top of him.

The room reeked of the sweet smell of lavender candles and sex. He felt kisses being placed all over his neck and someone nibbling on him as their hands touched all the right places. He couldn't see but his sense of touch was heightened. 

He became more fragile as he shivered at every touch and kiss that was placed upon his body. He felt the pain of being stretched and the pain of bending his legs farther than he ever has. He felt shallow breaths in his ear and his skin smacking against someone else's. 

He started to roll his hips as the person above him thrusted harder into him. His nails ran down the unknown figures back and it all felt just right. The person above him was ramming into him hitting him in places he didn't even know he had. Causing the knot in his stomach to tighten and re-tie itself in different places. 

He then felt soft lips upon his own, as the person above him engulfed him in a kiss. His tongue delving into his mouth and exploring the lengths of his wet cavern. The kiss full of lust, desire, and the smallest hint of a blooming love made him feel euphoric.

The hands of the unknown figure came up and trapped his hands beneath their own lacing them together. Holding them together tightly as if they had a bond that could never be broken. He heard the creaking of a bed, long erotic creaks at that. 

His ankles locking around the person's waist as his nails drew more lines on the person's back. He felt hot and felt as he was getting pulled into another world. 

His body being flipped over so he was on top, his body bouncing in a perfect rhythm with the person beneath him. His body becoming weak from the immense amount of pleasure. Hooking his arms around the strangers neck. His vision finally becoming clear, as he looked back into Taehyung's grey onyx eyes. 

He placed his head in the crook of his neck as he came. Taehyung instead pulling Yoongi into one last heated kiss before he came. 

So I know you're wondering how we got here?

Well that's for next chapter 'cause ya girl is tired and I wanna go eat so like yeah.


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