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Yoongi was currently waddling around the Taehyung's pack house with a butt plug shoved up his ass. He may have or may had not angered Taehyung and got one shoved up his bum. He was so gonna kill Channie the next time he saw him. Other than that though he was pretty happy. Jungkook and Jimin were back from and took back over the pack house.

Namjin are nowhere to be found but there's news about them having a child. Yoongi on the other hand had nothing going on. He had been talking to his wolf all day and that was it. Taehyung had been busy with "work" and meetings with the council.

Yoongi as always had his suspicions, wondering what the alpha was doing in that small office. He went to his room and grabbed his blanket, wrapping it around his body. His small feet pitter-pattered against the floor. Looking down at the end of the door he saw mahogany wood doors with shiny gold handles.

The omega held his breath as he walked towards the door afraid to make a noise. Freezing when he felt the floor creak beneath his feet, a gasp getting caught in his throat. Yoongi took a deep breath quietly of course and grabbed onto the handle. Pushing the door open he heard heavy pants coming from somewhere in the room. Yoongi could sense the strong pheromones coming from the alpha causing him to whimper as a bit of his submissiveness made an appearance. That's until something made Yoongi snap back. Why in the hell was Taehyung in here doing dirty stuff without him?

His submissive feelings turned into anger as soon as he  inside of the office. 

"Kim Taehyung! What the hell are you doing in here?!"

Taehyung's eyes snapped open as soon as he heard Yoongi's voice. His hands drop his painfully hard dick, shoving it back inside his boxer's. The alpha quickly jacked up his pants, his hands going down to buckle his belt up. 

"H-Hey babe..." 

A loud moan had came from the computer, causing Yoongi to snap his head towards the device. Both of them turned towards the computer to get it but Yoongi had got it first. 

"Are you watching po- me?!"

"Uh I..."

"Why do you have videos of me on your computer?!"

"F-For special purposes.."

"Me getting fucked in the ass on video on your computer is not used for special purposes!"

"B-But it's my private computer, no o-one's gonna see it."

"I saw it dumbass!"

"Y-Yoongi stop throwing a fit, I'm a man I have needs."

"You could've just asked!"

"I can't just leave while I'm working babe."

"Well delete that video."





"Please please please don't make me delete the video."

"You took videos of me Tae."

"High quality, top notch videos."

"I really can't win with you can I?" 

"Nope, now come here and put my laptop down."

Yoongi sighed as he walked over to the alpha, his hands went up to loosely hang around his neck. Taehyung smiled as he placed his hands on the younger's hips. 

"Will you help me?"

"Boy please!" Yoongi sneered as he walked out of the office. Stopping outside of the door he yelled again, "Make sure you delete that video!"


"J-Joonie, f-faster a-ah!" The older's hands were stationed on younger's shoulders as he threw his head back against the wall. Namjoon grunted into Jin's neck as he re-positioned his hands under the older's thighs. His hips snapping up into the older's heat. 


"F-feels so g-good~" 

Constant whimpers and the sound of skin slapping filled the hallway, Jin's body sliding up and down the wall, as his nails rake down the younger's back. His fingers leaving 10 long red marks on the younger's body.

The head of his cock was a deep red, what he lacked in length was made up for by thickness. Pre-cum was smeared across Namjoon's abdomen, as the head Jin's cock rubbed against it. Namjoon sunk his teeth into the mark that laid on the delve of Jin's shoulder, causing the older's body to jerk against the wall. 

"N-Namjoonie I-I'm a-about to c-come~"

"Sh-Shit, come for me baby." Namjoon's hand left Jin's thigh, causing the older to wrap his legs around Namjoon's waist as he kept thrusting. The younger's free hand went down to wrap around the older's cock, jerking his hand quickly trying to help the older meet his high.


"Let. go. Jin." The younger spoke in turn which each movement of his hips inside of latter. 

The older's breath hitched in his throat as he tightened his arms around his neck. Cum shot out of Jin's cock and onto the abdomen of Namjoon. Namjoon came after growling as he knotted inside of his mate. 

Jin could feel how his alpha was getting bigger and bigger inside of him, Namjoon kept on thrusting until he couldn't move. The alpha's body hunched up as felt himself come inside of the older.


"You could've helped me Yoongi, you were just being stubborn."

"Look Tae now is not the time for this, I have to go take a shower and finger your cum out of my ass."

"But still."

"But nothing now please take out the butt plug."

"You're no fun."

"I don't care if anything- ow! I know you did not just harshly pull that death contraption out of my ass!"

"And what if I did." Tae answered back with a bit of attitude.

"You are so gonna die today."

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