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Did you say you wanted an explanation well here you go.

Previously on Sheep's Clothing

He placed his head in the crook of his neck as he came. Taehyung instead pulling Yoongi into one last heated kiss before he came.

So I know you're wondering how we got here?

Taehyung was still looking at Yoongi before he walked up to his bed and ran his fingers across Yoongi's face. He felt the sparks run up his fingers and down his spine as he touched his baby boy.

He crouched down to Yoongi's face and placed a soft peck against his lips. Taehyung pulled away but then placed another peck against the boy's lips. He placed peck after peck all over the boy's face, before he felt a pair of hands pull him back down and place a kiss on his lips. 

He felt Yoongi's lips move along his own. His soft thin pink beautiful lips tasted so good on his tongue. The strawberry flavored lip gloss gave Yoongi's lips a kick as Taehyung sucked on his bottom one.

Yoongi pulled away from Taehyung and placed his forehead against the older's. A single tear was all Yoongi had shed as it ran down his face.

"I've missed you, so so much.."

"I've missed you too."

"Then show me..."

Taehyung climbed on top on Yoongi pinning the boy beneath him and began sucking on his neck. Leaving temporary marks everywhere in preparation for the real mark he was going to put on Yoongi. 

He searched for his sweet spot leaving more marks as he did. Yoongi clawing at Taehyung's covered back, ripping the shirt pulling it off of him. Taehyung had finally found his sweet spot and kissed it repeatedly as he let his canines protrude. Once they were finally out he sunk in the side of Yoongi's neck re-claiming him causing a new mark to appear. 

Yoongi's eyes glossed over in a daze of a brand new mark. Each time stronger than the last. As it got more heated their clothes were removed and they got to work.

Yoongi's vision was clouded as soon as he opened his eyes. He felt like he couldn't breathe but could at the same time. Sweat dripping down his bare body as he felt the weight of Taehyung on top of him.

The room reeked of the sweet smell of lavender candles and sex. He felt kisses being placed all over his neck and Taehyung nibbling on him as his hands touched all the right places. He couldn't see but his sense of touch was heightened.

He became more fragile as he shivered at every touch and kiss that was placed upon his body. He felt the pain of being stretched and the pain of bending his legs farther than he ever has. He felt shallow breaths in his ear and his skin smacking against his mate's.

He started to roll his hips Tae thrusted harder into him. His nails ran down the the older's back and it all felt just right. Taehyung was ramming into him, hitting him in places he didn't even know he had. Causing the knot in his stomach to tighten and re-tie itself in different places.

He then felt  Taehyung's soft lips upon his own, as he engulfed him in a kiss. His tongue delving into his mouth and exploring the lengths of his wet cavern. The kiss full of lust, desire, and the smallest hint of a blooming love made him feel euphoric.

The hands of  Taehyung came up and trapped Yoongi's hands beneath his own lacing them together. Holding them together tightly as if they had a bond that could never be broken. He heard the creaking of a bed, long erotic creaks at that.

His ankles locking around the Tae's waist as his nails drew more lines on the Taehyung's back. He felt hot and felt as he was getting pulled into another world.

His body being flipped over so he was on top, his body bouncing in a perfect rhythm with the person beneath him. His body becoming weak from the immense amount of pleasure. Hooking his arms around Taehyung's  neck. His vision finally becoming clear, as he looked back into Taehyung's grey onyx eyes.

He placed his head in the crook of his neck as he came. Taehyung instead pulling Yoongi into one last heated kiss before he came.

So I know you're wondering how we got here? Well there is your answer!

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