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They were yet again in the room of Taehyung, while Yoongi was cleaning Taehyung sat there staring at him. The silence comforting the two, as neither knew what to say to each other. Instead of starting up conversation Taehyung left the room leaving Yoongi alone. So that's when he let it all out. 

Multiple streaks of tears rolling down his face. He didn't want to feel like this over some dumb alpha, and he knew he was stronger than what he was letting on. But he couldn't help but cry, he just wanted to let every single drop out of his system. Minutes later Taehyung walked back in hearing sniffles and hiccups coming from the bathroom. 

Slowly he opened up the bathroom door, and looked around not seeing Yoongi anywhere. Then he decided that he was going to go and check the tub. There he saw Yoongi sitting tears staining his face, lips quivering and wet eyelashes. His cheeks were flushed, and his lips had begun to form a pout. He wanted to  get in the tub and comfort Yoongi and he knew Yoongi would probably make an attempt to drown him, so he took the chance anyway. 

Taking off the shoes he was wearing he carefully sat in the tub directly across from Yoongi. The water was soaking through his shirt, as he silently stared at Yoongi. He didn't like what he said to the younger but he knew that he couldn't take back what he said. His hands walked it's way over to Yoongi's and grabbed his wrist. He pulled Yoongi over to him, and let the younger bury his head into the older's shirt. Taehyung then let the younger cry, as he rubbed his back in comforting motions. 

"W-Why d-don't you like me?" he hiccupped in between every word. 

"I do like you, it's just-" he cut himself off, knowing that using stress as an excuse was stupid.


"It's nothing, and I don't want to come up with any excuses, just know that I am extremely sorry for what I said, and you don't have to forgive me if you don't want to, because what I did was stupid and there are no excuses for treating you wrong."

"Mhmm" Dionysus snickered in the background, not liking the fact that Taehyung was going to pull the stress card, sometimes he wished that he could control Taehyung instead of the other way around. 

Yoongi sat there with his head still shoved into Taehyung's wet shirt. He wanted Taehyung to apologize to him in a different way. One that didn't involve words or talking. Just actions. That's what he wanted, he wanted to feel Taehyung's regret and guilt not just hear it. So he got up and sat on his lap.

With his head now in Taehyung's shoulder, as he whispered into his ear...

"Then show me..."

Taehyung sat there shocked, but soon snapped out of it as soon as he let Dionysus take the lead.  


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I know you're an-gry but I don't ca-are byeee!

So yeah.


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