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Taehyung had the whole day planned out now, he was ready to see his mate and go on the best date ever. He had got help from Jin  to get his beautiful messy grey locks back, and was currently wearing his favorite shirt. 

The car ride lasted 2 hours before they arrived at the Adonis Pack, and once they got there Taehyung had somehow opened the locker door and dashed to Yoongi's room. He stood there and watched the younger sleeping peacefully but then he forgot about it once he remembered their date. 

"Yoongi baby! Wake up! It's time for our date!"

Yoongi groaned and rolled over placing a pillow over his head to muffle Taehyung's voice. 

Taehyung pouted and yelled again, "Babe don't be like that I planned this day specifically for us!"

Yoongi sat up and glared at Taehyung. His eyes had no emotion in them whatsoever as he looked at him. Taehyung nervously walked up to Yoongi and looked at him curiously. 

"H-Hey babe are you ready to go?"

"Bitch does it look like I'm ready to go?!" Yoongi hissed at Taehyung 


"That's what I thought." Yoongi grumbled as he got out of bed, "He really came in here a disturbed me from my beauty sleep." Yoongi quickly took a shower put on a loose knit sweater that showed his collar bones with some black skinny jeans and converse that he hated but they went with the sweater.

"So where are we going Taehyung."

"Well first I wanted to go on a run!" Taehyung said excitedly 

"That's sound nice!" Yoongi grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him downstairs. He then went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks before putting them in some enchanted small bag then tied it around his wrist before shrinking it down. 

Yoongi went back to Taehyung and pulled him outside and all the way to the edge of the pack boundaries. 

"Are you ready to go on this run Tae?!" Yoongi was all too excited to change into his white wolf  that had minty frosted ends.

Taehyung smiled his boxy smile as always and shifted into his ash grey wolf. Yoongi following showing off his majestic wolf also. Taehyung then turned to look at Yoongi's wolf but suddenly took off and ran into the woods. Yoongi rubbed his paws against the ground and ran after Taehyung. Once he caught up to him he slowed down but still followed Taehyung. 

Taehyung soon came to a halt when they reached a meadow, the beautiful variety of colors that were in the grass was astonishing to Yoongi. But the sound of water was even better. There was a beautiful waterfall with crystal clear droplets, and big boulders surrounding the lake that it fell into. From the lake spanned thousands of smaller crevices where the water rushed. 

Taehyung shifted back into his human form as did Yoongi who was staring at him in awe. 

"H-How did you find this place?"

"Well...." Taehyung trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Taehyung tell me what did you do?"

"Well I may have scared off a few woodland creatures since they wouldn't let me use it temporarily, so now it's mine permanently I placed a barrier around it so I control who will be let in and out."

"Taehyung that was mean! But also very sweet and I appreciate that." Yoongi blushed as he looked down, then blushing harder when he noticed that he was still naked. 

"S-So uh...do you wanna swim.." Taehyung nervously said trying to break the awkwardness in the air with Yoongi.

"S-Sure..." Yoongi's bare feet crunched on top of the grass as he walked towards the lake trying to hide his privates as he did. Once he reached the large boulders he began to climb them. He sat down on the smooth part of it and felt the mist from the waterfall spray against his feet. 

Slowly but surely Yoongi eased into the cold water and waded around trying to get used to the feeling. Taehyung smiled as Yoongi disappeared behind the boulder. Soon though he went and climbed onto the Boulder then jumped into the water. Only to be met with the chilling temperatures, but Dionysus helped out by raising his body temperature from that of an average human's.

Taehyung smiled at Yoongi who was swimming around and splashing water letting out little giggles every time it landed on his face. He went underwater and swam to Yoongi, but kept himself underwater watching as Yoongi kicked his little feminine underwater to keep himself up. He then jumped up and pulled Yoongi into a hug, but Yoongi took it the wrong way and elbowed him in the face.

Taehyung held his nose in pain, "Ow!"

Yoongi gasped at his voice and turned around cupping Taehyung's face as he cooed at him.

"Baby I'm so sorry I swear it was just my reflexes!"

Taehyung was still pouting and clutching his nose, as Yoongi moved his hand and kissed his nose as an apology. Taehyung finally got over it and swam so he was directly under the water fall. Yoongi stared at him as the water ran down his naked body. His hair now matted to his forehead and the way his hands ran through it as he pushed it back. Yoongi bit his lips as Taehyung's Mark shined a bit under the running water. 

Suddenly Yoongi felt all his confidence disappear when Taehyung turned around and made eye contact with him. Taehyung sexily bit his lip as his hands traveled down his stomach and to his v-line. Yoongi's eyes widened as he felt his inner omega come out. His eyes were bigger and the pout of his lips becoming more noticeable. 

The apples of Yoongi's cheeks were covered in multiple shades of light red. Although he couldn't see it his skin became softer and his legs and hips were curvier. 

Taehyung growled as Yoongi's soft features became enhanced loving how innocent he looked. 

"Come here." Taehyung growled as he looked directly at Yoongi. 

"M-Me..." Yoongi's eyes becoming as big as saucers as he talked. He watched as Taehyung's hand disappeared underwater and never came back up. Watching as Tae began to look at him with hooded eyes. He saw Taehyung's lips part a bit all of sudden and then he watched as his head fell back. 

Yoongi watched as Taehyung moved  behind the waterfall now nowhere to be seen hidden by the water. Yoongi swam to the waterfall and called out Taehyung's name but he didn't  come out. Yoongi said his name again but still he didn't respond. Finally Yoongi mustered up the courage to go behind the waterfall. He closed his eyes and quickly dove underwater and tried to swim forward. He then came up and gasped and realized he had made it under the waterfall. 

He looked around and saw the water flowing above him but it never fell on him. He looked around until he saw Taehyung leaning against the wall of rock behind them. 

It was extremely dark behind the waterfall but a little space between the water and rock let in some sunlight.

"Yoongi..." Taehyung's voice was deep and raspy as he stared at the omega.

Yoongi froze at the sound of his voice and looked at Taehyung as he came closer. 

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