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"H-How was yo-your sle-sleep h-hyung."

Taehyung immediately shot up eyeing the little omega that was sitting on the far side of the car. Hesitantly he scooted over to the omega, but Yoongi tried to scoot over only to stopped by the door. Taehyung sensed the guilt in the omega's eyes and wondered where that feeling had even came from why would he be feeling guilty. 

"Yoongi how much of that did you hear?"he asked slowly


"So why do you feel so guilty?"

Yoongi immediately blushed and looked down, not wanting to tell Taehyung the reason for why he was feeling the way he did. He shifted beneath Taehyung trying to make stupid attempts of trying to move back. 

"Come on baby boy you can tell me." Immediately Yoongi laid his head against Taehyung's chest. He fell under the spell of his deep voice, and told Taehyung as he whispered in his ear. His voice sounding cute as he became extra submissive.

"I-I waned Taehyungie s-so now I-i fweel g-gity"

"You feel guilty."Taehyung said as he pushed the fringe from out of Yoongi's eyes. 

"You know if you still want me I can gladly give what you want.."

"U-Uh I'm thank you.."

The car came to a stop in the driveway of the Adonis's main pack house. Immediately Yoongi grabbed the handle and toppled out of the car. 

"Yoonie wha are you doing hwere?"


"Are you gonna answer my queshwn or not?"

"I'm staying here, I'm back home!"

They froze when they heard Taehyung growl. 

"I though you said that we were visiting." His voice made you feel like you were treading in murky water, with all the irritation that came from it.

"I was visting until I saw Jiminie and his pink hair."


"No buts Taehyung I'm staying and that's final.."

"Hmph..." They had never seen Taehyung act so childish..

Running inside the pack house they went up to Yoongi's room, and they hopped onto the bed that was covered in pastel blue sheets. 

"When did you die your hair Jiminie?"

"I dyed it when Jungkook came in my hair!" Jimin said all giggly inside

"wHaT?" Yoongi was suprised by half of the things Jimin said since he didn't really have censor

"Yeah I know right, but I had just finished giving him a blowjob and there was cum in my hair so I washed it and thought why don't I dye my hair?! Wasn't it a great idea Yoonie!"

Not wanting to burst Jimin's craze about dying his hair he rethought what he was about to say.

"That was a great idea Jiminie!" He mentally cringed on the inside.

"Come on I have to show you Jungkook's newly died hair!"

"Wait he died his hair?!"

"Yeah come on!"

And Yoongi sure was excited...



"D-Do you not like Yoonie?!"

"It's fucking brown!"

Then Jungkook felt the need to cut in,

"Um excuse me?! This is a nice chesnut brown, with light hightlights!"

"But it's still brown!"

"No it's not it's CHESNUT BROWN Yoongi! I look completely different you probably can't even recognize me!"

"I know it's you dumbkook..."

"That's because I told you my name!"

"You know what Taehyung lets go, we're leaving!"


Yoongi walked around only to see Taehyung kissing some girl, and removing their clothes. 

Yoongi thought to himself, fuck this bitch. Walking into the packhouse up the stairs, with his head down, unknowingly with tears streaming downn his face, which led him to the roof.



Well that's that 

SO yeah.



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