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Yoongi then pushed Taehyung off of him, as he said he wasn't going to lose his virginity to some dumb alpha

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Yoongi then pushed Taehyung off of him, as he said he wasn't going to lose his virginity to some dumb alpha. He grabbed his bag and was about to leave the room when Taehyung appeared in front of him.

"Baby, why do you keep trying to leave me?" Tae's tone was playful but still scary.

"I-I don't want you..." he answered softly

"But I want you and I know you want me, you stopped right before you came I think you could use a release now couldn't you?" Yoongi felt like Taehyung was taunting him, they were in the midst of grinding when Yoongi pushed him off of him.

Yoongi began to think about it, it would make it a lot less painful when he was fully in heat, but what would he lose and gain from this. Yoongi decided to make a list,

Gain: Nothing

Lose: Dignity, Pride, Self-Respect, Individuality, Ability to say no to everything

Yoongi then looked back a Taehyung and didn't care, a person with such a symmetrical and handsome face can have all of his pride and dignity. Plus to Yoongi he felt a connection, and just wanted to see if it was real. So Yoongi finally then got the confidence to reply.

"I-It would be nice, a-and maybe a little m-more..."

"Is that what you really want?" His rasp was a result of the omegas response.


Taehyung walked up slowly back cornering Yoongi against the wall and pulled him into a kiss. It was soft and warm. His lip piercing contrasted with the warmth of his lips, and his tongue was beginning to make itself useful as it invaded Yoongi's mouth.

Yoongi then wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and pulled him closer. Tae let his hands slip under the back of his thighs and pick him up. Walking slowly over to the bed, Taehyung laid him down and soon crawled on top of him. The kiss had become more erotic, as they began to touch each other.

Taehyungs head fell forward when Yoongi shoved his hands into Taehyung's sweatpants. His hands gripping Taehyung tightly.

"F-Fuck, Y-Yoongi-ah just like that."

Yoongi hands were pumping Taehyung in a weird motion, while Taehyung was thrusting into his hand the same time. Taehyung knew where he wanted to be, and who he wanted to be inside of, and it was Yoongi. He began to tug the boys pants off along with his boxers. Revealed were the marks Taehyung had recently left on Yoongi. He grabbed Yoongi's member and began to pump him. His long fingers wrapped around Yoongi, causing Yoongi's moans to be known as inaudible.

Yoongi couldn't make a sound as sparks continuously flowed through his body. Taehyung carefully removed the rest of Yoongi's clothes and His, managing to not break the grip he had on Yoongi. He grabbed some lube from his nightstand and applied it to his fingers.

He first entered one finger, to get Yoongi used to the feeling. But as it seems Yoongi's jaw was slack, and saliva coated his thin lips. Adding a second finger he began scissoring him to stretch him out a bit more. Yoongi arched his back up off the bed and pressed his front into Taehyung. He nails raked down his back, as he knew that the pleasure was getting to him, but he didn't care at all. Finally, Taehyung added a third finger and had Yoongi letting out high-pitched screams.

This continued on for a few seconds until he lined himself up with Yoongi's entrance. Yoongi winced as he felt the thickness of Taehyung travel inside of him, and fill him up. His lashes were wet, and crocodile tears were forming.

In comfort, Taehyung rubbed away his tears and kissed him softly.

"Y-You can move now..." Yoongi said softly

So Taehyung listened and began to thrust softly hitting the boy's prostate every time in the process. Yoongi felt like he was on cloud nine, as he let out pleasurable moans, his hips thrusting upwards to meet Taehyung. Whines escaped his mouth as Taehyung teased him, moving incredibly slow in and out of him. Causing Yoongi to let out mewls and whines, from the feeling. Out of frustration, Yoongi clenched himself around Taehyung, causing Taehyung to thrust forward really hard.

Throwing his head Yoongi let out a long and loud moan. Taehyung took notice of this and began pounding into the younger. Yoongi's legs were thrown around Taehyung's waist, as he moaned in pure bliss. Then Taehyung's hand came down to wrap around his throat.

"Is this how you like it? Huh?" Taehyung panted as he said this, as he began to use more force on the younger.

"Y-Yes, please I need more!"

Taehyung wrapped his hand around Yoongi's cock and pumped him, while he was fucking him. Yoongi's warmth felt so good around him, so wet and tight were the only two words that could come to mind as he buried himself inside of Yoongi. Over and over again Taehyung began to change positions. First, he was fucking him from the side, now from under him. His balls coming up to meet Yoongi's skin, and his grip on him would tighten.

Everyone knew what was going on with the noise they were making. Though it didn't matter to them, Taehyung kept fucking Yoongi and Yoongi kept being as loud as he could. Flipping Yoongi over onto his stomach, Taehyung proceeded in his activities. Yoongi was clinging to the sheets, as he felt himself twitch.

He knew he couldn't take anymore, the pleasure was overbearing. He came on the black satin sheets, and still couldn't take it. His prostate was being abused as Taehyung neared his release. Thrusting harder, if he could, and he finally came. Unlike other alpha's he didn't have to pull out as he could decide whether he wanted to conceive or not.

Finally, the warm liquid spilled into him, but Taehyung kept thrusting coating himself in his own cum as he continued to fill the boy beneath him. The cum began to drip down Yoongi's balls and onto the sheets. Taehyung was making a complete utter mess, all you heard were breathless moans, and something pierced his skin.

Then you heard thousands of howls, as their alpha Taehyung had finally stopped when Yoongi passed out. The Dionysus pack had just become stronger, and with that Taehyung became possessive, and finally, his ruthlessness was going to be heightened.


So how do you guys like this chapter! Taehyung is finally a full alpha, and his true self is going to be shown, as a Dionysus is going to have a bit more control.

So yeah.




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