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"Have you ever wondered who's more suicidal the person who wants to kill themselves or the person who suffers from the aftermath of the suicide?" - Chibi

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"Have you ever wondered who's more suicidal the person who wants to kill themselves or the person who suffers from the aftermath of the suicide?" - Chibi

Yoongi sat on the edge of the roof his legs dangling off the side of the building. He used his advance vision to watch Taehyung. To watch him have sex with the person he didn't mark, nor mate with. No matter how much Yoongi wanted to throw a tantrum, and cry and scream he didn't. Instead he waited until they started and let the searing, burning pain run threw his veins.

Not one tear slipped from his eyes, but around him multiple began to slip. Tears of sorrow, rejection, joy, death. Many tears fell from the people around him but not from him. Instead of tears that were supposed to fall from his eyes it was blood. The red substance stained his lashes, and his pupil making him appear as a pampered rouge. 

Still though only tears of blood ran down, from the reopened cuts on his body. Many people would wonder why would cuts reopen if he hasn't cut him self. Well it was his punishment for not satisfying his mate. Crazy isn't it you suffer from your mate wanting someone else, when it's not even your fault. Yoongi though didn't care, his body slowly slid from the top of the building. Until it was only his fingertips holding on to the edge of the building.

One by one he let his fingers slip and he fell, the impact his body made with ground was grueling. There beside him was a blood covered Jimin, whose eyes couldn't help but widen as he held a bleeding Yoongi in his hands. 

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open as he whispered one thing into his eyes. 

"Have you ever wondered who's more suicidal the person who wants to kill themselves or the person who suffers from the aftermath of the suicide?"



His eyes closed and black was all he could see. He was falling into depths of hell as he called it, he was flying up to heaven at the same time. 

"What's your choice Yoongi go back or restart..."


"Why back? Haven't you suffered enough?"

"Do you really call that suffering! Being cheated on as you gave yourself to someone that easily, if anything make me suffer for something else. Give me all the pain and suffering you wan't because I haven't suffered enough!"

Yoongi went on to add one more thing,

"Because if you think the suicider suffers more then your wrong, because the affected are the ones who always suffer more, even if you lose yourself commiting suicide. The affected lose themselves, and another piece of themselves that they wished they had...You."

"I have come to believe that when alive you lose more than when you're dead, and it's proven. I mean come on living is harder than dying because your will to live is harder to maintain rather then doing one easy step and killing yourself. I couldn't maintain but I will maintain, I will maintain when I'm back."



I do go to counseling, and I did ask my counseler which one was worse. I always contemplated many suicides, as I have a family member who commited suicide. I wrote this chapter to mix this up, but I ended up crying so yeah I don't know what to do. I'll just publish this today to just get it off my hands. Sorry if I upset people.

So yeah.




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