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Taehyung's New Mark

(These are in the delves of their necks)

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(These are in the delves of their necks)

Yoongi's New Mark

Yoongi's New Mark

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Yoongi's POV 

Yoongi balled up his fist and rubbed his eyes, which was one of his bad habits. He ran his fingers through his messy hair before flopping back down onto the bed. He turned his head to the side and saw Taehyung still laying there looking peaceful as he slept. 

Yoongi rolled over onto his side and ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. His hand then traced down his face and landed on his lips. Yoongi softly placed a kiss on his lip before he slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. 

He stripped off his clothes after he turned the water on, and then stepped inside. The hot water felt wonderful against his skin as he wet his hair. The incredibly strong nozzle that caused the water to massage the knots out of his back. He took his strawberry body wash and squirted some into his palm before lathering his skin in it. 

After a few minutes of washing up he finally rinsed the soap off of his body. He grabbed the shampoo but dropped it as soon as he felt a pair of hands on his waist. He jumped up and turned around to see Taehyung standing there with his hands still on Yoongi's hips. 

"What in the hell are you doing in here?!"

"I just wanted to come take a shower with you that all..."

"I don't believe you!" Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well I don't care!"

Taehyung moved Yoongi carefully out of the way before standing under the shower head and wetting his hair. He stood there letting the water roll down his skin taking in the warmth that it provided.

Yoongi on the other hand had his lip in between his teeth, his cheeks now a crimson red as he watched the water droplets roll down Taehyung's v-line. Taehyung felt Yoongi's stare on him but continued to neglect the boy as he washed his body. 

Yoongi still watching as the wash cloth made its way down Taehyung's body. He felt that it was getting hotter in the shower and started to whine. Taehyung just smirked as he could smell the scent of Yoongi's arousal filling the air. Taehyung always loved how Yoongi's strawberry scent would magnify even more when he was aroused.

Just as Yoongi was about to get out of the shower Taehyung grabbed him by his waist and pulled him back, holding him extremely close he could feel everything. He leaned down and whispered in Yoongi's ear before kissing it. 

"So no shower sex?"

Yoongi froze up at the sound of shower sex, he knew he had a separate water heater from the rest of the house and could stay in all day if he wanted to. He leaned his head back onto Taehyung's shoulder and looked at him. 

Taehyung took this as  a sign to go ahead and immediately kissed him. His arms hooked around Yoongi's body to keep him in place as his hand went down to stroke Yoongi's cock. 

Yoongi let out soft moans at first trying not to wake anyone else up, but Taehyung has something else in mind as his hand moved at a faster. Causing Yoongi to let out moan after moan, his voice being music to Taehyung's ears. Taehyung kissed up and down his neck and stopped stroking Yoongi's cock. 

Taehyung turned a flustered Yoongi around and pinned him against the shower wall. Yoongi grabbed Taehyung by his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. The mist of the water spraying against their faces dripping down their cheeks, and little drops sticking to their eyelashes. 

Yoongi's hands slid down Taehyung's back as he tilted his head to the side. Taehyung's fringe was sticking to his forehead as he down at Yoongi, who was breathing heavily and looking up at him. Yoongi then turned around and bent over placing his hands on the clear glass door. 

"Fuck me." Yoongi said wanting to get straight to the point.

"God you're so needy today.." Taehyung rasped into Yoongi's ear. 

He steadied his hands on Yoongi's waist, before pushing himself inside of him. He stayed still for a few minutes as he just wanted to appreciate that the Moon Goddess blessed him with such a warm, tight mate. Taehyung groaned out loud at Yoongi's scent, before he started pounding into Yoongi at an animalistic pace. 

Yoongi's moans coming out broken, as his voice started to crack from all of the moaning. The water spraying over Taehyung's shoulder and running down Yoongi's back. Taehyung's hard thrusts pushing them forward until Yoongi was  barely bent over but he was still slightly angled. Taehyung's hand was positioned under Yoongi's thigh as he thrusted up into him. 

If you were standing outside of the shower you would honestly be surprised. The glasses covered in mist, and all you could see was Yoongi's head tilted back and his mouth wide open. His body sliding up and down the wall as his dick rubbed against the shower door. Now that was a sight to see. 

Jimin had woken up early and wanted to go see Yoongi so he snuck into his room and realized he wasn't there. He heard the shower water running and sometimes he and Yoongi took a shower together a few times so he cracked the door open. 

Jimin gasped at the scene and quietly watched in curiosity wanting to see who was going Yoongi that good. He slowly felt himself getting hot as he shoved his hands in his pants and began stroking himself, his whimpers filling up Yoongi's room as they bounced off of the walls. 

Jungkook was strolling the halls when he heard Jimin whimpering. He walked into Yoongi's room and snuck up on Jimin. He placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders causing Jimin to jump and take his hands out of his pants. Jungkook was it, and dragged Jimin out of the room. 

Moans echoed through the pack house that morning, because night was gonna get pretty interesting in their pack house, as it was time to celebrate the omegas.

Somebody was about to get worshipped tonight, and someone was about to catch a body.


I am honestly so happy I came on Wattpad today and saw that I had 1k reads on this book and I am so proud. I really appreciate the love and support from you guys so thank you so much!

-so yeah 🖤

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