Chapter 7

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"A-Amelia Anderson", she stuttered out. Her whole body shook in fear.

I started to study her from head to toe, she was wearing a long dress which covered her whole body, it looked as if she was hiding herself from the world around her. When she looked up, my breath hitched but I kept my face neutral. She had bright hazel eyes that could read your soul if you let her. Her small frame swayed from side to side.

"Shit", I cursed out when I realized she was losing consciousness. I quickly snaked my arms around her waist refraining her from falling to the floor.

When I looked down, her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily.

I sighed, lifting her up, I began to walk towards the door. Once we were outside the house I made sure to lock it and got her into the backseat of my car.

I closed the door and got into the driver's seat. Dialing Hunter's phone I waited for him to answer tapping my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. After three rings he finally answered.

"Yeah Seb", he said once he picked up.

"Call the house doctor in I am coming in fifteen minutes", I instructed him.

"Is everything ok?", he questioned with worry etched onto his voice.

"I'll explain it when I am there", I said and hung up the phone.

I reversed the car and began driving. The girl was still asleep her heavy breathing filling the silence.

Fifteen minutes later, I got out of the car, closing my side of the car's door, I walked towards her side and opened the door.

Trying not to wake her up, I moved quietly and carried her out of the car slowly. Closing the door with a sigh, I looked down to see she was sweating profusely.

I walked towards the mansion, opening the door I went inside. Immediately Damon and Hunter were by my side. They gave me confused looks once they saw a girl laying on my arms.

I gave them a warning look to not ask anything and they kept their mouths shut.

"Where's the doctor?", I asked them.

"He's inside the hospital room", Damon said.

I nodded towards them, started to walk to the hospital room. Once I made it, I opened the door and saw the doctor laying out her medical kits.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Russo", she bowed in respect.

I nodded at her, walked towards the bed that was situated in the middle of the room. I put her gently on it, careful of not waking her up. She stirred when I removed my arms around her, I thought she was going to wake up, but she kept her eyes closed and her breathing was still heavy. 

The doctor went straight to work once I put her on the bed, she checked her pulse and lifted her sleeves. I saw bruises on her arms old and new. My brows furrowed in confusion as I kept staring at them.

"Looking at the bruises, I would say she's been beaten", the doctor informed me as she kept checking for any other injuries.

"By who?", I questioned.

"I wish I knew sir, but you have to ask her yourself once she wakes up", she sighed.

I looked down at the girl, who had her brows furrowed as if she was having a bad dream.

"I'll put a cream that'll heal the bruises that she has". She said and got to work on the bruises.

I sat on the chair that was beside her bed and watched as the doctor continued to put cream all over her face and arms. Once she was done, she bowed her head and left through the door.

I don't know how long I watched her sleep, but when Damon called informing me the package was safe, I knew I had to leave her alone.

I stood up and with one last look towards her I began to walk towards the door. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard movement behind me, I quickly turned around and saw her beginning to gain consciousness.


It felt like I was floating on air, everything was white and I was standing alone, I looked around me but saw no one. Suddenly a man appeared in front of me, startled I took a step back. I began to study him, when I looked back at him our eyes clashed and suddenly it felt like I was out of breath. He had the most bluest eyes that I've ever seen, he just stood there looking at me, it felt like I had seen him before, but I couldn't remember where.

I gasped and blinked my eyes open, I looked around me. I knew that I was an in unfamiliar place, the place looked like a hospital, but the smell was nothing like that, the smell was sweet like vanilla. There was white curtains blocking the window, and a chair beside me. When I looked up the same man in my dreams was looking straight at me.

My breath hitched as he looked at me for what felt like hours, he began to walk towards me and I began to scoot away from him as far as I could go on the bed.

He growled when he saw the action and in quick strides he was in front of me. He leaned down until our noses touched. I was engulfed by his smell, he smelled so masculine and his cologne smelled of something sweet that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"W-what happened?", I asked him.

He didn't answer and kept looking at me with a hard look. I was afraid that he would hurt me, so I scooted away until my back hit the pillow.

"You passed out, so I had to carry you here", he said curtly.

"What were you doing in my territory?", he questioned.

Instead of answering him, I looked down fearing he would see right through me, but I couldn't let my guard down, I tried so hard to build that wall in my heart and I promised myself that no one could break it, so I had to keep my promise to myself.

He growled and his hands roughly pulled my chin towards him so I was forced to look into his eyes that held so much anger.

My body shook with fear, when I saw the gun that he held in his hands, when I looked back at him he was smirking looking amused by my fear.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll kill you simple as that", he said with anger in his voice.

"I-I was r-running away from something", I had no choice but to tell him.

I slightly relaxed when he began to put his gun away, once his gun was tucked away safely. He looked back at me.

"You have two options right now, one, I put a bullet through your head and two, you work for me and do whatever I tell you to do, so pick wisely", he said.

I began to think, I knew he was serious about killing me, that offer sounded so tempting but I couldn't give up now after I just escaped hell that I was living in.

"O-Option two", I whispered.

"Wise choice", he smirked at me.

At that moment I regretted my decision but there was no going back.

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