Chapter 19

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"Please don't hurt my baby", I beg him.

He just glances at me with an evil glint in his eyes. His dark eyes trail over my form as I plead him . His face shows he's enjoying this. Suddenly my baby lets out a loud cry, his little hands clenching into fists and my heart clenches as I stare at him helplessly. Nonstop tears trail down my cheeks as I grip Edgar's arm to stop him from taking my baby away from me.

"Let go", he hisses through his teeth, staring at me with disgust.

"No, please give him to me", I rasped out.

"I am not letting this disgusting thing live, who knows, maybe it's not even mine", he growled.

"No please it's yours, don't do anything to him", I pleaded him.

"Your a lying whore", he shouted and left the room with my baby.

Gasping, I woke up startled, looking at my surroundings I realized it was a dream, no not a dream but a nightmare. It felt like my lungs were burning, I tried to take deep breaths but my lungs constricted and blackness dotted my vision.

No, no this couldn't be happening, I couldn't have a panic attack now, I tried to take lungful of air, but it didn't work. Please, please make this stop. Oh god please help me, I can't do this anymore, make me reunite with my baby and take me away, I just want this pain to end. A sob racked through my body and I clawed my throat to get air inside my body.

"Amelia", someone shouted in panic.

But I couldn't listen to what they were saying, it felt like my body was slowly giving up and if it was, I would welcome death with open arms. For two years, I fought with everything in me to stay alive, but now it felt pointless.

"Someone help", I heard a woman shout.

With everything in me, I tried to speak, but my throat felt dry and another sob broke out of me. I curled into a ball as my panic took over me, it felt like someone was purposely squeezing my throat. Suddenly I saw Edgar's face flash through my eyes and the pain in me increased.

"P-please make this stop", I forced myself to croak out the words.

With my eyes tightly shut, I forced myself to calm down but to no vail the panic just increased. Suddenly I was enveloped into a warm chest and I wanted nothing but to be closer to it. Soft hands caressed my hair but their words were unheard.
I strained my ears to listen to the voices that were speaking so far away.

"It's okay Mi Amore, you're okay", A voice whispered near me.

"Just take deep breaths", the same voice instructed softly.

The warmth gave me some sort of comfort and it calmed me down a little, opening my eyes I looked around to see Sophia and her mom standing near my bed looking at me worriedly. Growing confused I lifted my head up to see the deepest of blue eyes staring back at me with an emotion I couldn't pinpoint.

I was still shaking with fear and I willed myself to calm down as I kept staring at Sebastian looking for some type of comfort he could offer. His face turned stoic and it gave nothing away as he kept gazing at me. Suddenly he enveloped me into his chest again giving me his warmth to my shaking form.

"I,I am okay", I croaked out, but I still didn't believe my own words.

Slightly pushing myself out of Sebastian's chest, I looked towards Sophia and Lilly to give them a small reassuring smile. They both relaxed instantly but the worry in their eyes didn't go away as they searched my face for answers, but I kept my emotions inside not giving away anything.

Using the headboard, I tried to stand up but I kept tumbling down on the bed as my body felt weak. Someone held out their arms for me, my eyes followed the arm and saw it was Sebastian. With a little hesitance my arms slid inside of his and he helped me stand up.

"Can I get water please?", I rasped.

I heard shuffling of footsteps and Sophia was beside me holding a cup of water. Smiling great fully, I took the water and drank it in one gulp. The blackness in my vision appeared once again when I tried to take a step towards the bathroom. Before I could fall, arms snaked around my waist and feet, I was being carried bridal style towards the bathroom.

Dread crawled into me, when I remembered the times when the devil would carry me like this once he was done using me throughly. But when I tipped my chin up right, I didn't see the devil, instead I saw the warmest blue eyes staring back. His eyes held no emotion as he kept walking to the bathroom with me still in his arms.

Kicking the door open, he walked over the counter top and sat me on top of it. He began to wash my face with water and when I opened my mouth to say I could do it by myself, he gave me a stern look that kept my mouth shut.

"Open", he commanded with a toothbrush in his arms.

My mouth opened and latched onto the toothbrush as he began to brush my teeth. My whole body felt weak but I kept myself composed not giving away anything as he began to search my eyes for answers. Looking towards the floor, I fidgeted with my hands as he kept gazing intensely. 

"Tell me Mi Amore, what was your dream about?", he whispered.

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