Chapter 20

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Sebastian's pic above ^


It felt like my throat was closing up again as, I looked at him to see if there was even a hint of humor in his eyes, but when I found none, my whole body shook with fear. I didn't know what to say to him, maybe I could lie to him, but yet I knew there was no chance for that, since he knew when people lie, especially me.

As I remembered the nightmare, my skin prickled and it felt like leeches were sucking my blood off. That wasn't a nightmare, it was my reality, I got sucked into the minute I was born. Growing up, I didn't have my father's love, instead I got my mother's, she loved me until she took her last breath.

We would play in the gardens, until my father came and made us go inside. Those were the moments I promised myself that I would cherish forever. My mother was a woman, who was very patient and caring. Even though my father never loved her, she gave him everything she could. She gave him her body to use, her love to waste and most of all her soul to break.

Warm hands cradled my face and I broke out of my day dream to look at Sebastian. He kept his face stoic as always but I knew behind the facade, he was searching for answers that I couldn't give him. When I am with Sebastian my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest, he makes me feel things I haven't felt before.

"Tell me what happened?", he commanded.

Looking at him straight in the eyes, trying to not show any fear or weakness I stated "I am not going to tell you".

Eyes dancing with amusement, he smirked as he glided his wandering hands up my thighs. My breath hitched in my throat at the contact of his skin on mine and I bit my lip hard enough to keep from making any sounds. The effect he had on me was inevitable and surprisingly I wasn't scared of him. He wasn't anything like the devil, he had a kind soul but he kept his emotions locked inside of him.

His hands disappeared under my dress and I gasped at the shock that sizzled inside me. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath as his hands wandered towards my panties. I knew what he was doing was wrong but I couldn't stop the moan that came out from my lips as his hands rubbed me, I could still feel him even though I had panties on.

"Let's get rid of this, shall we?", he mumbled huskily.

Pushing the panties aside, his eyes glanced down and his eyes darkened even more. A low rumble of approval runs through his chest, still smirking at me he begins to kiss and suck on my collarbone. Subconsciously arching my head, I give him more access which he gladly accepts as he begins to give me open mouthed kisses.

His hands roam freely through my body and I do nothing to stop him. When he touches me, I am a puddle at his feet. He makes me feel protected and safe. I don't cower away when he touches me instead I gladly welcome it with open arms.

Looking at me straight in the eyes, he begins to rub me and I gasp as the new sensation continues to build up in my lower abdomen. Closing my eyes, I began to enjoy what he was giving. I felt myself tighten around his fingers and my eyes snapped open as he pulled his finger away, a whimper of protest left my lips.

"Tell me, what you dreamt of Mi Amore", he commanded once again.

My eyes widened as it all clicked into place. He was tricking me into telling him about my life. I didn't know where the anger came from, but as I looked into his smirking face, my anger rose tenfold. I had never shown my emotions before but now I wanted to bash at him for tricking me.

With a new found confidence I said "No".

Glaring at me, he inched his face closer and I could smell his sweet smell. My breath hitched in my throat once again. Eyes wandering down to his lips, I subconsciously licked mine and as I looked up I caught him looking with clear lust in his eyes. Groaning deeply, he uttered a few curse words and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath.

"You're killing me, Mi Amore", he uttered, his voice still husky.

Looking at him confused, I frowned not getting what he meant. Seeing my expression, he chuckled deeply and shook his head. Suddenly the air around us changed and we both stared into each other's eyes not one of us giving in. But to what? I didn't know.

A knock on the door broke us out of our staring and we both turned towards the door as it opened. Sofia peeked her head in and sighed what seemed like in relief as she strode to the bathroom. She looked between us as her eyebrows furrowed and she glared while looking at Sebastian.

"Stop, toying with her feelings", she hissed through her teeth.

"As I said, what I do is none of your business", he growled back.

They both glared at each other, silently communicating with their eyes. Sophia huffed and turned towards me, giving me a small smile, she pulled me towards her and hugged tightly. I let her scent consume me as I closed my eyes and enjoyed her warmth. Over the past weeks, Sophia and Lilly has become such an important people in my life.

Before I met them, I thought I would die in pain and darkness. But that perspective changed when I met this family. They were different from the Russians. While the Russians ruled with hate, the Italians ruled with passion. They were from two different worlds and I was thankful for that.

"Sophia, leave us, I want to talk to Amelia about something important". Sebastian's voice broke us apart. 

Giving me a small smile, she walked towards the door and got out, shutting the door behind her. Gulping, I tipped my head towards Sebastian preparing for the questions he was about to throw at me once again.

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