Chapter 35

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Glancing towards Amelia, I saw her shaking while looking towards the corner, I looked at where she was looking and immediately, my jaw clenched as I saw Emily throwing daggers at her with her eyes. I wished I could just fire her right here, right now, but I knew I couldn't because of my so called father.

He made me promise I wouldn't fire her because she didn't have parents and had nowhere to go. When she was twenty, she got engaged to one of my men, but a tragic thing happened and he was taken away from us. I guess in her own twisted way, Emily did really love him, but once he died she became a totally different person.

No matter how many times I told her I had no feelings for her, she wouldn't give up, instead she would try to seduce me. I was really tempted to just throw her out of the house but then I would be reminded of my promise I made to my father. I didn't know why he liked Emily so much, but I didn't question his motives.

Turning my attention to Amelia, I nudged her with my shoulder and her attention turned towards me. Instantly, her tense muscles relaxed and she gave me a small smile. I gestured my hand to her food and gave her a fork.

"Come on, eat", I said softly.

Nodding her head, she picked up the fork I've given her and took small bites of her food. Once I made sure she continued eating, I returned my gaze to my men. They were still talking about the business I made with the Russians and how it would be helpful if we got them on our side.

They still didn't know about my plan except for Hunter and Damon. I would inform them once I got the Russian guards on our side. I knew they were eager to take out the Russian leader, so the Italians could take over them. But we had to be cautious because Edgar was one clever motherfucker.

If he somehow found out what are intentions are, then he wouldn't hesitate to barge in with his armed men and probably kill all of my men. But my men were stronger, smarter and I had no doubt they could take out anything if harms came their way. I was proud to say, my men were loyal and didn't take orders from anyone but me.

The two seats were still empty and I wondered if Hunter and Damon were okay. They were spying on the Russians to see if they had something up their sleeves. I wasn't worried about Damon nor Hunter, I was just anxious to see if they found out who Edgar's fiancé is. He's been hiding her ever since he got engaged but after she ran away, he became quite.

He would always brag about her pussy being tight which made me angry to no end. During the meetings we always had before, I would clench my jaw and fist my hands to keep myself calm. No one should talk about women like that and I wanted to rip the fucker to shreds when he talked about his fiancé like she was trash.

Laughter echoed around the room and once again my eyes focused on my men. They were laughing at what one of them said and honestly, it made me happy to see them joking around. They were always so serious when it came to their jobs, but once they sat at the dining table they would let loose once in a while.

A movement caught my attention and I turned towards Amelia to see her standing up. Also, standing with her, I entwined our hands and tugged her out of the dining room. This time she made no protests as she followed me quietly behind, up the stairs.

Stopping at my office doors, I pushed them open and let Amelia step in first. Once she was inside, she turned towards me while I made my way inside and closed the door. A smile made its way onto my lips, as she tilted her head to the side adorably and gazed at me.

The intensity of her eyes made my knees quiver and made me fall a little harder for her. She was so beautiful that my heart sped up just by looking at her. Taking a step towards her, I tucked her fallen hair behind her ear while her cheeks burned a deep red.

"I missed you". I murmured.

She leaned in and captured my lips without saying anything. Her boldness made me smile and I kissed her back with passion. Putting every one of my feelings into the kiss, I tried to tell her what I've felt for her.

Pulling away, she gasped for air, as I kissed my way down to her neck. Finding her sweet spot, I kissed, sucked, and licked until she moaned and threw her head back giving me more access. God she was addicting, I couldn't get enough of her, just the look in her eyes was enough to drive me crazy.

When she first walked into my life, I promised myself I would treat her like how I treat my maids. But with her beautiful personality and her hazel eyes, she captured my heart without me knowing.

I was thankful for god giving me such an angel. She showed me a way to love even though there is no love in the mafia world. She showed me people go through so many things and they come out stronger than ever before. Without her, I don't know what I'd do right now.

Her moan was music to my ears, when I bit her soft spot and licked the pain away until all she felt was pleasure. I pulled her closer until we were chest to chest and gazed at her while she blushed profusely.

"Sebastian please", she pleaded. I knew she was wet and was begging me to let her come, so I obeyed her words as my hands wandered to the hem of her dress.

My hands found her panties and I pulled them aside. A groan made its way up my throat as I felt her wetness. I rubbed her clit and entered my two digits to her entrance until her body convulsed and she came with a loud moan filling the room.

I captured her lips with mine and kissed her until we were both out of breath. Pulling away, I leaned my forehead against hers.

"I love you".


I freaking LOVE Sebastian, omg Amelia is one lucky woman lol.

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