Chapter 41

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Heart palpitating, I gazed at him. Everything in me was telling me to tell him the truth. But I was afraid of how he would react, I didn't want him to do something he would regret, but maybe just maybe something in me wanted him to torture Edgar as crazy as that sounds. I wanted Edgar to feel how I felt, wanted him to feel helpless as Sebastian tortured him.

"Come on Mi Amore, if you don't tell me I can't help you", He entwined our hands, holding on tightly.

Taking a deep breath, I forced my eyes to look away from his. " I will tell you, but you have to promise me, you will not do something dangerous".

My eyes gazed into his and he nodded his head, waiting for me to continue. I didn't know how to tell him, without breaking down, so I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"The reason I freaked out downstairs, is because I know the Russians", Confusion flashed through his eyes.

"Edgar is my fiancé", I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear what I said.

His whole body froze and he stared at me without blinking. My hands around his tightened and held onto him for dear life. My throat closed up making it hard for me to breathe. Struggling for air, I closed my eyes, and involuntarily my hands came up to grasp Sebastian's shoulders for support.

"I escaped from him, hoping to be never found again, but I guess that hope suddenly crashed because the Russian guards are here and it wouldn't be long before they take me away". Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

He was still unmoving and I begged him with my eyes for him to say something but to no vail, he sat there unmoving and expressionless. His lips were pressed into a thin line and anger seemed to be radiating off of him. His eyes were turned into slits as he stared at me.

"He was your fiancé?", His jaw was tense.

Nodding my head, I looked down ashamed and afraid of what he would think. Truthfully, I never wanted to be engaged to Edgar, he was a devil in disguise and when you got close to him, he would torture you until you gave in. That's why I escaped him, hoping I could forget about all of the things I went through.

A hand on my chin made me look at him, his eyes softened just a little and without a word he brought me to his chest. Arms circling around me, he held me tightly until we both calmed down. Pulling away, he stroked my cheeks gently and I let out a sign in content.

"It's not your fault, Mi Amore", My arms curled around his waist.

"Don't do anything dangerous Sebastian", I said softly.

"Oh Mi Amore, I will do more than dangerous", His eyes held an evil glint to them.

At this moment, there was no going back. No matter how hard I tried to convince him, I wouldn't get through him. From the look in his eyes, they already told me he made up his mind about Edgar. But telling him the truth, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest until I felt free and safe in his arms.

"Mi Amore, I promise you, I will make him suffer until he begs for me to kill him and I will make him regret for ever laying his dirty hands on you", He leaned his forehead against mine.

Eyes closing instinctively, I breathed in his scent and instantly the thoughts in my mind vanished into thin air until there was nothing but Sebastian's scent left. This moment seemed so surreal but my mind knew it wasn't a dream nor a nightmare, instead this was my new reality. With him, I felt safe and at home more than I've ever felt in my entire life.

"I love you", My eyes opened and gazed at him.

Smiling slightly, he dipped down and captured my lips. Our lips moved perfectly against each other passionately and I let out a moan as his tongue darted out and traced my bottom lip asking for entrance. Opening my lips slightly, I let his tongue invade my mouth. Pulling away, I gasped for air, as his lips made its way onto my neck, licking, sucking, and kissing.

"Mi Amore, you are a warrior, you are so strong that you amaze me each and everyday, if the Russian guards try anything with you, I will kill them without a second thought".

"The man who helped me escape, is with them", My mind wandered to the guard.

"A man helped you escape?", His eyebrows rose.

"Yeah, without him I wouldn't be here", Dark brown eyes flashed through my mind making me smile.

I would be forever thankful for him, without him I wouldn't be here and would probably be lying in a ditch somewhere by now. That thought made me shudder with fear and I involuntarily leaned closer to Sebastian seeking his comfort. Even though I didn't know the guard's name, he was one of the few people in my life who actually care what happens to me.

"Ok, I'll get him on our side", He gazed into my eyes.

"Thank you", I murmured.

"Lets go downstairs", I suggested.

Without a word, he opened the door and motioned me to go out. Once we were outside the office, we walked down the stairs. Sebastian gripped the back of my head, bringing me close to him, and kissed me on my forehead.

"I'll be back", I nodded my head and watched as he walked away.

A stranger feeling creeped its way into my chest and my muscles tensed. I felt like someone was watching me but when I turned around the hall was empty. Shaking my head, I forced my legs to move. But before I could do that, a figure blocked my way. My eyes widened as I stared up at him.

"Well well, we meet again".


Finally, it was about time she told him about Edgar.

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