Chapter 21

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"Alright, tell me now", his voice boomed through, the bathroom as he glared at me.

Even though my heart thudded with fear, I didn't let it show, instead I leveled him with my own glare. His eyes grew amused and he chuckled darkly as he took several steps towards me while my legs walked backwards. The minute my back hit the wall, he took the chance to cage me in with both of his arms on either side of the wall.

"Tell me", he whispered.

"Why are you so keen, on knowing what happened in my dreams?", I snapped narrowing my eyes at him.

"I just am", he answered with the same tone as me.

I sighed in exasperation and darted my eyes anywhere but him. I didn't want him to see the depth of my soul, the fear I had of sleeping everyday knowing my reality would haunt me everywhere I went. I just wanted to be free of the shackles beholding me in its tight grip, but I didn't know who held the key to opening them.

Every time I slept, I would be reminded of the words the devil whispered before. He would call me a whore, a slut, and every word he could find in the dictionary that would describe me. Every time I look in the mirror, I would see a girl, who had scars deep within her soul and a body she was ashamed of.

Scars littered across my skin, each holding what I've been through. My back was covered in cigarette burns and belt scars. Every time I disobeyed him, he would puff out a cigarette and burn me with it. He would enjoy my cries of agony and would laugh at my teared eyed self.

No matter how much I begged him, he would continue to torture me until he was satisfied. No one could save me from that hell, if the guards had one ounce of sympathy towards me, they wouldn't let it show, instead they would laugh along with him. I despised all of them with every fiber of my being and I promised my mother that I would run away from the hell before it was too late, but it was too late, the devil took away my soul and kept it hidden, away from me.

"Amelia, are you okay?", I glanced at Sebastian's face, which was etched with worry.

My heart swelled in my chest, to see him showing me his emotions that he showed to no one. I wanted to figure out what these feelings inside me meant but I couldn't quite pinpoint it. It was like he could take my breath away with just a simple look and I would be a puddle at his feet. These feelings scared me so much because he could turn out like the devil, but as I continued to spend more time with him, I was figuring out that he was nothing like him.

"You hungry?", he asked, changing the subject.

With a bewildering look, I nodded my head a bit dazed, questioning his change of attitude. A minute ago he was growling about me not telling him about my dream, but now he's asking if I am hungry. With a smirk thrown my way, he grasped my little hand in his large ones. Tugging me out of the bathroom, he closed the door behind us and walked towards my closet.

"Here, put this on", he shoved a simple red dress in my face.

Getting the dress out of his grasp, I looked at him expectantly while he just stared blankly. My eyebrows furrowed as he made no move to get out or at least turn around. I mean I was used to being naked in front of a guy, because of the devil. But with Sebastian, I felt self conscious of my body.

"Hurry up", he growled, still rooted to the ground.

"Can you um, maybe turn around?", I asked meekly.

"Ah so that's what this is about", he smirked.

His eyes swiped up and down my body and I felt the weird sensation in my stomach, as my cheeks turned deep crimson. He walked closer and his arms snaked around my waist. Beginning to stroke my waist softly, he leaned down and started peppering kisses over my neck.

"W-what are you doing?", I squeaked out.

Instead of answering, he pulled away and took a few steps back, giving me much space needed to breath. His eyes turned intense once again as he looked at me with an emotion I couldn't place. I grew self conscious and shuffled on my feet back and forth.

"Get dressed", he ordered, before turning around.

Shaking out of my flabbergasted state, I slowly peeled off the top and the comfortable pants before putting the dress on. Clearing my throat I opened my mouth to speak before Sebastian abruptly turned out by himself.

"Let's go". He got a hold of my hand, and began to walk out of the room with me in tow.

His hands felt big and warm, it completely engulfed mine and I couldn't help but feel the tingles rushing towards my body. Glancing down, I watched as our hands swayed slightly by our walking. A small smile lit up my face but I bit my lip before anyone could see.

Walking down the stairs, we made our way towards the kitchen. Maids were bustling around making breakfast and preparing the dishes. One by one, the guards made their way in and took their seats but not before slightly bowing to Sebastian.

Maids began to serve food to the guards and I take a step towards the kitchen to help, but a tug on my arm halts my movements. Frowning, I look behind me towards the arm and follow the path of it, to come face to face with Sebastian. I try to get my arm out of his grasp but his grip tightens.

"You're sitting with me", his voice is heard throughout the room.

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