Chapter 42

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Sebastian is daddy afffff.


Disbelief is the word of how I feel right now. As I walked towards Hunter and Damon, my mind kept repeating what Amelia said. The signs and how she always froze when she heard the Russian's name were right there, but I couldn't pinpoint to it, I just thought she was having a panic attack because she remembered something.

Every fiber of my being felt numb and I couldn't get what she said out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. I felt fucking dumb, even if she didn't tell me, I should've known, should've forced it out of her way earlier than this so I could give Edgar what he deserved. My jaws tightened as I thought of him laying a hand on my queen.

He would bleed until there was no blood left on his body, but I would force it out of him. I would make him suffer for ever laying a hand on her. I would torture him till he begged me for his life. My eyes turned to slits, as I thought of her laying helplessly and scared as Edgar beat her up. This is my promise to my queen, I will make him suffer.

"Hey, Sebastian", Damon and Hunter walked up to me.

"We have to discuss something", Without an explanation, I turned and made my way to the main office.

Hearing their footsteps, I slightly relaxed and opened the door, as I walked in, my eyes wandered everywhere. Everything was still the same, the large desk had many laptops and the chairs were spotless clean. Taking a seat, I gestured for them to sit down since it was going to be a shocking news for them.

"Alright, you're scaring us, spill it", Hunter demanded.

"I have found Edgar's fiancé", I leaned back on the chair, each of my arms resting on the armchair.

"What do you mean, you've found her?", Damon crossed his arms in front of him.

"It means, she's closer than we think", Hunter answered for me.

Nodding my head, I continued. "She's Amelia".

"Wait, wait, our Amelia!", Hunter exclaimed.

Glaring at him, my hands turned into fists. She wasn't his and hell I would never give her up for anyone. She's my lifeline and my happiness and I will kill anyone who even thinks of laying a hand on her. Realizing what he said, Hunter quickly composed himself and bowed his head apologetically . My shoulders relaxed and I nodded towards him.

"Man, you've turned into a caveman", Damon uttered amusingly.

"Well, you were like that with Sophia", I snapped and regretted it immediately, as his face contorted painfully.

"We have to move on with the plan fast", I stood up from the chair.

"First, let me ask you, how did you know Amelia is Edgar's fiancé?", Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"Long story short, she told me", My mind wandered back to her shaking form.

My heart constricted painfully in my chest, she shouldn't have gone through what she went through. She was afraid of a man's touch because of him that's why she always flinched away before. But now I would make sure to stay by her and fight by her side until the end. I would treat her like a queen and spoil her with my love. She's mine to touch and to love.

"How did she escape though?", Damon scratched his chin.

"A Russian guard helped her, and I think if we get him on our side first, it would be easier to convince the rest of them", I explained.

"That would make sense", Hunter let out a sigh.

"Great, now we have an agreement", Damon rubbed his hands, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I can't wait to kill that motherfucker", I chuckled sardonically.

After discussing more things, we all got out of the office, closing the door behind us. We all walked outside to where the Russian guards stood. They were all looking around the place in pure astonishment and I smirked internally. I bet they never had this luxury before since Edgar was in the second place. I've never been to his mansion, but I heard it was much smaller than mine which made me proud. The fucker can suck it.

"How are you guys doing?", Damon asked with a fake politeness.

Murmurs came from them and I rolled my eyes at their enthusiasm. Clapping my hands to gather their attention. I walked towards him with confidence. My eyes scanned each one of them, I give credit for Edgar, his guards were bulky but not like mine. Now we just have to wait and see how they fight. They stiffened as I now stood in front of them inspecting their posture.

"We'll train you day and night. If any one of you question my authority I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot", Some of them, visibly gulped making me chuckle.

"Now with that said, let the fighting begin, you and you", I pointed towards two guys who were standing with stoic expressions.

"Fight", I spoke and the other guards began to back away making a spot for the fight. The two guards locked eyes with each other. Standing with their fists held in front of them, one them attacked and the other dodged easily before giving him a good blow to the nose.

To say I was impressed with the second guy would be an understatement, he was good but my guards could easily take him down. I would train him myself because maybe he would be useful in the future when we take out his leader. Instructing them to take a rest for a while, I walked back to the mansion.

The long hallways seemed endless as I made my way to the kitchen. Pausing in the middle of the hall, my eyes scanned it, coming up with nothing, I continued my walk, getting my phone out, I texted my guards to be ready for the fight. Hearing voices, I made my way to the end of the hall. Eyes widening, I stared in utter shock at what I saw.

"What the fuck is going on here?".


Alright, I need a guy like Sebastian lol.

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