Chapter 11

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He smirked at me once my back hit the wall and took a dangerous step forward leaving just centimeters between us.

"Stop running away from me", he uttered.

He leaned down , until our lips almost touched. Closing my eyes, I inhaled his scent. Hands began to caress my face softly, snapping my eyes open, I stared at Sebastian.

"Now, tell me why you were crying", he demanded.

"I-I just had a nightmare", I told him, half the truth.

Narrowing his eyes at me, he pulled me closer to him and our lips clashed together. Eyes widening, I looked up at him as his eyes closed.

He squeezed my hips, gasping out loud I tried to pull away. But to no vail, he just held me tightly against him. After a few moments, he pulled away and looked at me through hooded eyes.

"Tell me the whole truth", he commanded.

Looking up at him, I frown and start to shake my head. He challenges my gaze with a glare that could put me in my grave.

"Why?", he questions.

"B-because it's personal", I whisper.

Staring at me, his eyes softens a bit and he takes a step backwards. I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Sebastian cleared his throat and started to take a few steps back. Looking at me, he thinned his lips and took a step towards me.

Bringing his hands up, he slowly wiped my now dried tears. My breath hitched in my throat while I looked at him shocked.

Turning away from me, he walked towards my closet. Pulling out a dress, he made his way over to me.

"Put this on". He commanded

Realizing, only a towel was covering my body, I took the dress from him and made my way towards the closet. Locking the door behind me, I pulled the towel away and dressed myself up.

Once done, I made my way out of the closet and closed the door behind me. Turning around, I saw Sebastian still standing where I left him.

"Let's go downstairs", he says, when he sees me fully dressed.

I nod my head and we both make our way downstairs, our whole conversation about a minute ago forgotten. We enter the dining room to see the men eating while the maids serve them.

I've never imagined the mafia life being so easy to live, before I escaped, I thought mafia men abuse women and use them for their own pleasure. But after coming here, my whole perspective changed when I saw that these men treat women with respect.

If women don't want to give their body away, the men obey their wishes and leave them alone. But in Edgar's world, women were seen as sluts, if they did not obey their masters, they would get abused and raped continuously until they learned their lesson.

"Amelia!", someone exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Looking towards the voice, I see Sophia making her way over to me. She has a worried look etched on her face as she comes near me.

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