Chapter 53

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Alright just let me cry in silence, cant believe this book is almost finished.


Glaring at him, I twisted the knife in his hands while he screamed out in pain. Damon, Hunter and Eli were all standing beside me with their arms crossed over their chests as their expressions were stoic. Now matter how much times we tried to crack this mother fucker he wouldn't even talk instead he would annoy us to no end.

"Tell me, was it really worth it laying a hand on her innocent soul?", I hissed at him, scratching his chest with the knife.

"Oh it was, I really enjoyed her crying for help", He lifted bloody head up and smirked at me.

This motherfucker was really sick who needed to die this minute, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of an easy death instead I would make him bleed and watch as his eyes slowly loose their color. My anger rose as he didn't even flinch when I punched him and I scratched the torture device across his neck causing him to cry out.

"Let me have a turn", Eli said and stood next to me.

Glancing towards him, I signaled for him to begin and he looked towards Edgar with a growl. Quickly getting into action, he got his gun out and shot him on the leg without a second thought. He thrashed around in the chair, his voice turning scratchy as he continued to scream.

I watched with a smirk on my lips as Eli continued to torture him not even giving him a minute to breathe. I knew he was getting carried away, but the look on his face told me he wanted more blood on his hands and who was I to deny that? But he knew he couldn't kill the bastard yet.

Sighing, I sat on the leather chair and sipped my wine. My eyes flickered over to Edgar as he cried out for help. Yeah keep screaming mother fucker no one will hear you or help you. I didn't even want to be here, I wanted to be with Amelia cuddling in bed together, but the doctor told me she needed to rest as her body was still weak.

The minute her eyes opened in that hospital bed, my heart leaped in my throat in happiness as I saw that beautiful hazel colored eyes. The fear on her face broke me to pieces when the doctor told her she was shot. She didn't even waste time as she glanced down to her stomach and when she saw the bump, her whole posture relaxed and a sweet smile rested on her lips.

Before I met her, I was such a vile man that people hated, I heard people call me arrogant, full of himself but most of all a killer but they didn't know the real me. I just wanted to protect the innocent from evil and my family who were the most precious thing in the world. I first thought the mafia was my family and that I had to give them all I could.

But when I first met her, she was an angel in disguise and she changed my perspective of everything. She gave me a reason to live and a reason to love. She was the first person to even break the barrier in my heart and I'll be damned if I ever give up on her. No matter what we go through from now on, we're going to get through every obstacle together.

"Sebastian, do the honors", My attention snapped towards Eli.

Edgar was now disgustingly naked as he shivered in the cold. Stalking up to him, I gripped the knife in my hand and scraped it against his lower stomach. He writhed in pain and tried to scoot his chair to get away. Crouching down, I spat in his face and lowered the knife towards his crotch.

"Please don't do this", He had the guts to plead.

"Oh now now, don't be a cry baby", I clicked my tongue.

"No matter how much she pleaded and begged you, you didn't stop, instead you enjoyed it, now let me enjoy this", I growled and cut off his dick without a second thought.

His screams shook the walls as the tears poured out of his eyes. My satisfaction rose a mile and I smirked towards my men. They were watching with a calm expression on all of their faces and some of them were chuckling as Edgar's tears dripped down to the floor.

"Eli, finish him", I ordered.

I really wanted to be the one to kill him, but I had to respect Eli as he was Amelia's brother and he wanted to be the one to kill him. I watched as he held out his gun in front of Edgar's face. His eyes widened in fear and he gulped looking anywhere but at the gun in front of him.

"This is for Amelia", Eli hissed and a shot was heard around the room.

Shouts of happiness were heard the minute Edgar's head snapped to the side and his lifeless eyes stared back at me. Chuckling, I made my way towards Eli and slapped his back in gratitude. He smiled, his face turning calm and his whole posture radiating happiness.

"Clean this mess up", I commanded my men and strided out of the room.

Making my way up the stairs, I opened the door to our room and my eyebrows furrowed when I saw the empty bed. Looking around the room, my eyes landed on the bathroom door and I walked towards it. Opening the door, my eyes widened as I saw Amelia standing near the sink with a pained expression.

"I think our baby is coming".

I just love Sebastian's cruel side lol.

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