Chapter 29

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Omggg, I woke up this morning to find out that I've now had 3K reads and 173 votes on my baby right here, I can't thank you guys enough and words can't explain how happy I feel, I am like flying right now lol, I love you guys so much. Please keep voting and commenting.  ❤️❤️💕💕💕


"We have to be on alert, in case they attack", Damon stated as we walked towards the car.

Hunter snorted, "They can't hurt us since we now have the club on the palm of our hands".

Stopping in front of the car, I opened the door and slid in, Damon and Hunter following behind. The chauffeur looked behind him and bowed his head in respect before he started the car. My mind drifted off to my sweet queen and a grin took over my face as I thought of her star struck expression on her face when I kissed her.

She was so beautiful with her, wide hazel eyes that seemed to stop my world whenever she was around. She made me forget that I was a mafia leader. I could be myself around her and could show her my vulnerable side and I could stare at her all day long if she let me.

She still had nightmares, but it wasn't as frequent as it was before, and whenever she would wake up screaming, I would always hold her in my arms until she calmed down. Even if she didn't tell me the rest of her story, I would protect her no matter what, I would find out whoever hurt her and show them what pain really feels like.

"Sebastian, were here", Hunter's voice snapped me out of my trance.

Getting out of the car, I looked up towards the club that was illuminated by lights. Walking towards it, I nodded my head to the guard as he opened the door and bowed his head. Immediately music was heard as we made our way inside, people dancing, grinding and men taking women forcefully as they cried out in pain, begging them to stop.

My whole body shook with anger, and my hands curled up in fists. But I knew I couldn't do anything, at least not yet, I had to wait until Edgar signed the contract, if he didn't I would force him too. Once I had the club, I would set new rules and kill whoever goes against me. I would never let the men hurt these women.

"Let's go upstairs", Damon gestured towards the stairs.

Nodding my head, I made my way up the stairs to the VIP room. Two guards were at the door and when they saw us, their eyes widened and their heads bowed. A smirk crawled its way up to my lips at their fearful expressions. Hunter gestured his hands towards the door and the guards immediately opened letting us in.

"I was wondering, when you would show up", Edgar sat smirking in his leather chair.

Enjoy being arrogant as much as you can right now, but once you sign that contract, you'll be cowering away in fear. Even though we were on good terms with the Russians, I still didn't trust them, who knows maybe they'll try to attack us again when we least expect it.

"We're not cowards unlike some people", retorted Hunter.

Edgar's lost his smirk and a scowl took over his features. I grinned maniacally and made my way to sit on one of the chairs. Hunter and Damon stood by my side, their postures stiff and ready if any attack came barging in through the door. I knew the two of them would go to any length to protect me, but I didn't want to put their lives in danger even though they made a promise they swore to keep.

So I had my men guarding the place without anyone knowing, I had cameras planted here where no one would think of looking. When it came to business and my family I was a smart man to be cautious. I've learnt my lesson from my dad when a war broke out between the Italians and the Mexicans.

"Let's get down to business shall we?", I question Edgar.

Nodding his head dejectedly, he gestures for me to give him the papers to sign. Chuckling at his expression, I look towards Hunter and give him a small nod. He brings out the file from his satchel and hands it to Edgar.

Eyes skimming through the papers, he lifts his head up and glares at me, "You expect me to sign this?".

"What's wrong with it?", I inquire.

"What's wrong is the fact that, you're asking for half my men to be given to you", he angrily slams his hands on the table and stands up from his chair.

"Well, when I bid on this club, I asked the officials to give me half of your men and they agreed since they can't go against me, so you can't back out now", I stand from my chair also, glaring him down.

Cursing, he sat down and skimmed the pages once again before signing the contract. Looking towards Hunter and Damon, I gave them a secretive smirk and they both grinned in return. What this bastard didn't know was that, we were planning to get our hands on the Russian mafia's leader when the time came.

Even though he was right in front of us, we didn't want to stir trouble right now. We wanted to call truce and once we had their trust we would attack them when they least expect it. I would have his men to learn to trust me, get them on my side and attack their so called leader.

Russians were our enemy, even though we called truce by signing a contract, I still didn't trust them since they had history with us. Once my father heard I wanted to call truce with the enemy, he was outraged, but when I told him about my plans he understood me and supported me.

Standing up from the chair, I held out my hand to Edgar. He hesitantly shook it narrowing his eyes at me, while I stood expressionless.

Time to put the plan in action.


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