Chapter 36

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My heart beat sped up, as his words rang in my ears like a song. No matter how much I blinked, I could still hear those three words he said, as he smiled at me. I feared I would wake up from this dream, but as he whispered those words in my ear again, everything thought I've had vanished into thin air.

"W-what?", I still didn't believe his words.

"I fell in love with you from the first moment you came into my life, it just took me a long time to realize it, but now that I have I am never letting you go", He gave me that beautiful smile of his.

My words caught in my throat as he said that, I was so scared of him not feeling the same way as me. But now that he has confessed, my heart felt like it could rest peacefully without having to worry. His eyes held so much love that my head spun.

"I love you", I murmured.

He grinned that caused his eyes to twinkle happily. At this moment, nothing else mattered to me, not my past, not Edgar and especially not my pain. What mattered the most is Sebastian as he leaned his forehead against mine gazing at me with happiness. His blue eyes held so much care that it made me content.

He was my home, happiness and comfort. He could give me warmth by just hugging me and he could comfort me by his soothing words that he whispered in my ears. His touch was soft like a feather that made me lean into him anticipating more. When he touched me, he woke up electrifying feelings deep in my heart.

Instead of feeling pain, I felt so much satisfaction whenever his hands made contact with my body. He didn't hurt me like Edgar did, instead he treated me as if I was something more to him. Whenever he was in the room, my eyes would wander to him and suddenly I would feel peace.

"God I will never get tired of hearing those three words from you", He strokes my cheek gently.

"I promise you Mi Amore, I will protect you with my life, I will fight your demons beside you and together we will come out stronger than ever", He tucked a piece of fallen hair behind my ear.

Eyes welling up with tears, I blinked them back. This is what I wanted when I was young, to fall in love with a man, who could treat me better than Edgar did, who would fight my demons that lingered around and most of all who could love me for who I am.

"Will you love me, if I told you I have scars on my body?", I waited for his answer.

"Look at me Mi Amore, your scars that you have, they make you stronger, they tell people that you've been through so much, and that you didn't let your pain beat you, I'll always love you no matter what", His words brought a smile upon my face.

"I love you so much", I said softly.

His arms tightened around my waist and brought me closer to him. My arms curved around his neck and I hugged him close to me. Suddenly, I felt peace wash over me as his warmth seeped through my body.

"Can we go downstairs?", I pulled away from him.

Nodding his head, he strides towards the door and pulled it open. I walked out of the office with Sebastian in tow as he closed the door behind us. Hand in hand we both walked downstairs.

The guards were back to their original place and the maids were cleaning up. Sebastian gave me a kiss on the forehead and left towards where Hunter and Damon were. I wandered to the kitchen to help. Lily was throwing orders to Sophia while she just rolled her eyes and did as her mother told.

Seeing their interaction made me grin. Sometimes they would argue like friends and sometimes they would get mad at each other. But the love they had as mother and daughter was indescribable. It was so beautiful that made me sometimes teary eyes and miss my own mother.

Maybe if she was still alive, I wouldn't have gotten engaged and wouldn't be scarred forever. But I knew if she was still alive, she would suffer the pain my father caused. I was thankful for the memories I had of her because I didn't even have one single picture, my father burned it when she died.

My mother has gone through worse than me, she endured the pain of loving someone so evil, no matter how many times I told her to run away, she didn't listen, instead she would just smile and say "I love him".

Everyday I would watch her tears wet the pillows, she wouldn't sleep for days. But what made me hurt the most was when my father beat her up just because she made breakfast for him. Before he came home, she would always tell me to hide under my bed.

But when I lost her, nothing mattered anymore, my father became more vicious and made me get engaged to a devil. I thought I wouldn't ever fall in love, but when I met Sebastian it seemed impossible not to fall for him. I just hoped he wouldn't be taken from me. I wouldn't know what I'd do without him.

"Hey Amelia", Sophia skipped over to me.

"Hey", I chuckled at her, when she rolled her eyes at what her mom said.

"You want to surf the internet with me?". Her eyes held a glimmer of mischief.

"Sure", I said eyeing her suspiciously.

"Great, lets go", She pulled me out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

Once we made it to her room, she closed the door and let out a relieved sigh. Looking around her room, I noticed her room was exactly like mine except she had decorative things on her walls.

"Thank god, I love that woman, but she can be handful sometimes", She sat down on her bed and patted the seat next to her.

Chuckling I took a seat next to her while she pulled out her laptop. My eyes wandered around her posters, it mostly consisted of celebrity people, but what really made my eyes widen and throat to close up is Edgar's smirking face.


Oooooohhh, Sophia has a poster of Edgar damnnnn lol.

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