Chapter 23

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It felt like my whole body froze when he said those words. I looked at him to see if he was somehow joking, but he clearly didn't show any signs. Instead his face was dead serious. Opening my lips several times, I couldn't find the will to say no. Honestly, I wanted to forget the nightmares I have everyday I go to sleep. I wanted someone to hold me in their arms and chase my reality away.

But no matter how hard I tried, my reality would be stuck with me forever. I would be haunted by the memories, the scars and the pain for the rest of my life. The scars would remind me of what I went through and no matter how hard I tried to erase them, I couldn't get rid of it. It was a part of me.

Blinking back to reality, I glance at Sebastian and see him already looking at me with that intense look in his eyes. He moves slightly closer and inches his face closer to me. His lips grazed my chin and I look towards the guards to see if they were looking, but to my relief they were enjoying their food and chatting animatedly.

Soft hands grasped my chin and tilted my face. I blinked up at Sebastian as his hands, rubbed my chin soothingly. Subconsciously I leaned my head towards his hands seeking comfort and looked up at him through my lashes. Giving a small smile, I sighed and pulled away.

Licking my lips, I took small bites of the food and kept my head down as Sebastian began to talk to his men. Lifting my head up, my eyes immediately searched for Sophia and once I found her, she gave me a small grin, and waved her hand towards Sebastian discreetly. Shaking my head, I bit my lip to hide the little laugh that was threatening to fall.

"So, do you agree to sleep in my room with me?", I snapped my head towards his direction so fast I am afraid I sprained my neck.

The question was almost forgotten, but now that he asked me, the fear began to cripple its way inside my body. I knew, he would protect me from my nightmares, but the fear of feeling something deep for him scared me to no end. I couldn't hand my heart to anyone else, because I couldn't trust a single person except for myself.

Then why did I trust him with everything in me? The question was still unanswered. I didn't know why my heart and body reacted this way towards him. It was as if they knew, he was a person I could trust and wouldn't hurt me intentionally. I knew him for a little time, but it felt like I knew him all my life.

Sebastian, was a man everyone feared, he was a man who could snap your neck with his thumbs. Looking at him now, he was the only man who dominated the whole dining area, with his dark aura. But underneath his demeanor, he was a man who cared for you, who took care of you and chased away your nightmares by surrounding you with his warmth.

"Do I have a choice?". I asked him

"Considering how many nightmares you get, I don't think so", he replied.

I really was thankful for this man, who seemed so concerned about me. Whether I like to admit it or not, my feelings for him were growing stronger each day and that scared me so much that my heart hurt. But no matter how much I wanted to keep these unknown feelings locked away, I couldn't.

A hand on my thigh made me snap out of my thoughts. Looking up, Sebastian was staring at me with some type of glint in his eyes. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I willed myself to calm down before my cheeks turn deep crimson. I tried to swat his hand away, but it seemed it had no effect on him. Instead he squeezed my thigh in response throwing a smirk in my way.

It seemed as though he only knew how to smirk and not smile or anything. Whenever I did or said something he would smirk in response. I haven't seen or heard him laugh before and I was dying to know how he sounded like. I wanted to see his smile for once and hear his laugh.

"I'll get my men, to clear up your room and send your stuff up to mine", Sebastian stated.

Shoulders dropping, I nodded my head. I couldn't argue with him seeing he would have the upper hand, so I just nodded my head and continued to finish up my food. Once done, I stood up but before I could stand up, a hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?", Sebastian questioned.

"To help", Was my simple answer.

Shaking his head, he stood up and tugged me forward causing me to loose my balance a little. Bumping into his chest, my hands shot forward and landed flat against his chest. Quickly regaining my balance, I looked up and saw him already gazing at with a smoldering look.

"You'll be coming with me", he ordered and began to walk out of the kitchen with me in tow.

No matter how hard I tried to get my hand out of his, I failed miserably and began to give up after a minute or two. Sighing I stalked after him with my hand still in his. It felt comfortable there and I wanted to hold his hand forever making the fear within me disappear.

"Where are we going?", I squeaked out.

"To my room", he answered and continued to walk up the stairs.

"W-why?", I asked him with hesitation as we arrived to a door.

He opened it, looking back at me, he answered "so you can get used to your new room".

Stepping inside, he opened the door wider, gesturing me to come in. Inhaling softly, I stepped inside and immediately a warm feeling greeted me. Looking around, I noticed this wasn't any typical room. It was Sebastian's. The room had a king sized bed in the middle, sofas sat in the corner of the room with appetizers and a desk was situated beside the bed. Overall his room was really big.

Walking further inside, I took a note of how everything was a beige color. Footsteps shuffled inside the room and heat began to creep its way onto my body. I knew where the heat was coming from so I didn't dare to turn around.

"Do you like it?", he whispered in my ear, causing shivers to run up my spine.

Unable to speak, I nodded my head and gasped when he snaked his hands around my waist, my muscles tensed from fear but a second later relaxed when he started to rub my hips.

"Good, because you'll be staying here for as long as ever".
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