Chapter 31

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Edgar at the top.


Chest rising up and down, her breathing was soft, as she slept peacefully. My lips quirked up into a smile, as she turned her body towards me and fluttered her eyes open. She looks at her surroundings, before her eyes flicker over to me, giving me a shy smile, she starts to sit up.

"Hey, Mi Amore how are you feeling?", I scooted closer to her.

"Good", she mumbled and turned away from me, cheeks turning deep crimson.

I had so many questions to ask her, but I refrained from it, instead I took her in my arms, making her sigh. She snuggled deeper into my embrace and I laid my chin on top of her head. If someone told be I'd be like this with a girl a month ago, I wouldn't hesitate to kill them, but here I am going soft just because of a girl.

But she isn't any girl tho, my mind whispered to me, and I agreed. No she is an exceptional angel sent from the gods above, to guide me on this earth, as long as I shall live, I'll never make her cry or be in pain ever again. If someone even thinks of laying a hand on her, I'll break their fingers one by one and make them bleed.

"What are you most scared of?", Her soft voice brought me back to reality.

"Losing you", I answered her without a thought.

Tensing for a moment, she tilted her head up and gazed up at me so intensely, it made my heart clench and breathing ragged. Her hazel eyes swirled with an emotion so intense that made my whole world shake and stop. She had a hold of me, that no girl had ever before and I'll be damned if I do anything to ruin that.

Her beautiful red plump lips tilted into a smile and she leaned towards me. Her bold actions shocked me, but I recovered quickly and followed her movement. Breath hitching in her throat, her eyes flickered to my lips and I licked them involuntary.

"Kiss me", her voice came out in a whisper.

Wasting not even a second, I claimed her mouth and she responded immediately. My tongue flicked out and licked her bottom lip, asking for permission which she granted. The minute our tongues clashed, she let out a little moan and I pulled her closer until there was no space left.

Nipping at her bottom lip, I flipped us over and made her straddle me, she pulled away and gasped for air, while I trailed kisses down her neck and collarbone. Giving me more access, she threw her head back and moaned loudly.

My hands wandered all of her body, just as I came to her breasts, I cupped them and giving them a soft squeeze. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own, as they trailed over to the hem of her dress. In no time, I had pulled her panties to the side and was rubbing her clit, while she closed her eyes and let out another moan.

"Can I taste you?", her eyes snapped open and she stared at wide eyed at me.

With hesitancy, she nodded her head, I flipped us over again and she clutched the bedsheets firmly in her hands. My eyes brows furrow in concern as I see her nervous stare. She bites her lip before breaking eye contact.

"Hey, we don't have to do this, if you don't want to", Grasping her chin gently, I tilt her head towards me.

"N-no, it's okay, I want to, I am just nervous", she murmured.

"There is nothing to be nervous about, if it gets too much, just tell me to stop okay?", She gave me a little nod and smiled slightly.

Making sure she was comfortable, I leaned in and claimed her lips with mine. My hands wandered down to her clit again and I rubbed it making her moan. Breaking the kiss, she threw her head back, and I took the opportunity to kiss, lick and suck her collarbone.

Trailing kisses, over the valley of the breasts, I sit her up and removed her dress and bra. When she made a move to cover her body, I shook my head and removed her arms.

"Don't hide from me", I whispered.

Shyly, looking down she gulped, and gazed back at me. Giving her a slight smile, I refocused my eyes to her breasts. Licking my lips, I slowly leaned in and took one of her nipples into my mouth, while my other hand played with her other breast. Letting go of her nipple, my lips trailed over her stomach.

Once I reached the hem of her panties, I looked up to her to see her eyes closed while she bit her lip, my hands grasped her panties and I removed it slowly making her eyes snap open.

"It's okay", I assured her.

She relaxed, clutched the bedsheets and arched her back when my hand cupped her sex. She was already so wet for me and my cock was making me uncomfortable of how hard it got just by that. But I wouldn't force her into sex, instead I would give her pleasure by doing other things.

Settling in, between her thighs, I kissed her inner thighs making her squirm. My eyes greedily took in her pussy, and I took my time to admire it, maybe it was uncomfortable to other people when I say this, but her pussy was beautiful. Finally my tongue flicked out and licked her sweet pussy.

Not being able to keep the hunger in me, I sucked and licked until she was moaning and writhing in pleasure. Placing my hands on her thighs, I kept her still and sucked her like my life depended on it. Her body convulsed and I knew she was close.

I added a finger and found her g-spot, after two strokes, she came moaning my name while I lapped up all her juices. Cleaning my mouth with the back of my hand, I sat up and gazed at her flushed form.

"You're so beautiful", I leaned towards her and claimed her lips.

Thank you guys for the 16K reads and 417 votes. I am so glad that you guys are enjoying this story. I love you guys so much. 😘😘❤️❤️💕💕.

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