Chapter 18

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"Please, can you stay?", she asks me so softly that I barely catch her words.

My breath hitches in my throat for the first time ever. God damn it, she makes me feel like I am dying out of oxygen and I can't get enough of her, these feelings that I am feeling, they scare me but they also make me excited as if I am flying. Call me a pussy but I would do anything for this girl, I will protect her even if it's the last thing I do on this earth.

Gazing down at her, I take in her sleepy form sprawled out on the bed. Her scars are still visible if you look close enough and I clench my jaw in anger feeling like I want to murder whoever did this to her. No matter how much I pry, she won't tell me for whatever reasons she has, but eventually I will pry it out of her, I just need to give her sometime.

"Sure", I whisper with hesitation.

She smiles slightly and fuck does it light up her whole face. I watch her in awe as she scoots over to make a room for me. I climb in while kicking my shoes off in the process. When I am with her, I forget I am a mafia leader, a cruel man who has no heart, she makes me feel like a teenager who just found out he had a crush on a girl.

A strange feeling settles in my stomach when I feel her scoot closer to me, without hesitation this time my hands shoot out on their own and grips her waist to pull her even more closer. Snuggling up to me, her hand land on my chest and I feel her breath even out.

For a moment, I just lay there staring up at the ceiling but when I look at her a huge smile takes over my face. She looks like an angel, when she's sleeping with her hair sprawled out on the bed, her chest heaving up and down with her soft breathing. Fuck she's beautiful.

Wanting to touch her, I lift my hands up and ever so softly start to stroke her cheek. She makes a sound at the back of her throat when I pull away and I grin knowing that beautiful voice was a sound of a protest.

"What are you doing to me?", I whisper into the darkness knowing she won't hear me.

She sighs and shifts even closer to me, when I look down at her, her eyebrows are furrowed, lips turning into a pout, it looks like she's having a bad dream. Clenching my jaws, my hands smooth down the furrows of her brows and she eventually calms down under my touch.

Once I know she won't wake up anymore, I slowly stand up and make my way out the door. Closing the door behind me gently I sigh and look at the door of her room for a few seconds before turning away to walk towards my office. I square my shoulders and make my face stoic not showing my emotions, opening the door to my office I make my way inside and plop down on my chair.

A soft knock on the door, makes me snap out of my daze and I tell them to come in. Hunter stands at the doorway with an emotionless face, he comes in after a minute or two and plops down on one of the chairs.

"You wanted to talk about the Russians?", I question him.

He nods his head and begins to speak, "We found out that, Edgar hasn't been himself lately, they say his gone crazy but their not revealing why he became like that, his killing everyone who gets in his way and his bidding one million dollars for the club we have our eyes on".

"Fuck", I growl but will myself to calm down.

Looking at him straight in the eyes, I began to say "Our plan was to lure the Russians in, but that won't be happening if they get the club, so we have to place a higher bid on it and make the Russians sign the contract we have prepared for them".

"How much do we bid?", he questions.

"Three million dollars", I smirk.

"Damn", he mutters under his breath.

"Do you have anything else for me?", I ask him.

"No, that's it for now", he nods his head to confirm it.

Standing up, he bows his head in respect and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. Even though Damon and Hunter are like my brothers, they still have to show me respect since they took an oath and they would put their lives in danger to protect this house and it's people.

Looking at the stack of papers, I grimace and get to work, reading and signing off the papers one by one. Once done, I put them neatly in the folder to give it to my secretary for tomorrow.

Sighing, I stand up from the chair and stretch a little. Striding out of the office, I close the door behind me, making sure it's locked before I go. Even though all the people are trustable here, you can never know because there are some people lurking in the shadows ready to strike and destroy your plan, so before I leave the office everyday I make sure to lock it.

Walking to my room, I take my suit off, followed by my shirt, my tense muscles start to relax once I get in the shower. Closing my eyes, I lean against the wall and let my thoughts wonder off to the beautiful brunette girl that's been invading my thoughts ever since she came here.

My cock immediately hardens at just the thought of her and I groan. Slowly stroking myself, I pump faster and my breathing becomes shallow to my own ears as I imagine her doing this to me. I still and come hard while trying to catch my breath.

Turning off the water, I wrap a towel around my hips and dry off. Putting on my boxers, I stroll out of the bathroom towards my bed. Once my head hits the pillow sleep instantly consumes me and I let it take over.

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