Chapter 47

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Alright just a warning, this chapter is going to be steamy, so if you're innocent don't read it.


Turning his head towards me, he gave me a small smile and left through the door. Sighing, I plopped down on the bed and mulled over the previous things that happened moments ago. I can't believe my own mother didn't care to tell me I had a brother. But then I couldn't blame her, my father had ears everywhere, even if he wasn't there during the moment himself.

I didn't blame anyone of what happened to me because it wasn't something people could control, sure my father had arranged it, but maybe he never knew Edgar was a sick man who needed to be gone. The door opening, brought me back down to reality, and my head raised to greet Sebastian. His body was tense and his brows were furrowed in concentration.

Standing up, I made my way towards him. Our eyes clashed, making the world tilt. Our hearts instantly gripped one another, never letting go. His tense expression, slowly began to relax as he walked up to me. Stopping just inches away, His hands came up to stroke my cheeks making my heartbeat wild.

"Did he tell you?", His question came out soft.

Nodding my head, I leaned my forehead against his and closed my eyes enjoying his comfort. My body and mind instantly stilled, making peace wash over me. Letting out a sigh, I snuggled deeper into him. Peace was an unknown feeling to me, but whenever I was with him, it felt like it was the only feeling I got.

"Whenever I am with you, I feel safe", I uttered, opening my eyes.

His smile lit up the whole room and he leaned in to capture my lips. Immediately, my whole body tingled with electricity and I shivered when the tip of his finger traced the outline of my waist. Pulling him closer, I gripped his soft, thick hair, and pulled at it, making him groan.

Placing his arms around my hips, he tugged me up, so my legs were around his waist. His kisses grew more hungrier and his hands explored every inch of my skin, leaving me breathless and wanting more. Heat traveled its way to my core and I moaned when he nipped my lower lip.

His hardness grinded onto my core, and I arched my back as his lips sucked, licked and kissed its way to my neck. I don't know how we made it to the bed, but when he gently placed me on it, I tensed up and panic made its ugly head known.

"We don't have to do anything, you don't want to", He gazed into my eyes and they held the truth within them.

But deep within me, I wanted to do the things I've never done with anyone. I wanted to connect with him on another level, wanted us to be one. Rolling us over, I caught his lips in mine and kissed him passionately. His hands, snaked around my waist and guided me to grind onto his hardness.

"I want to", I mumbled, staring deeply into his eyes.

Hesitancy, ran through his eyes and he swallowed before nodding. "But we're going to do it, with you on top".

My widened eyes gazed into his and dread ran through me. I didn't know how these things worked, what if I couldn't pleasure him? Swallowing multiple times, my eyes strayed away from his. His grip tightened on my waist, making my eyes snap to his.

"You have nothing to worry about", His hands cupped my cheeks, stroking them.

Catching his lips, my kisses became more intense and my tongue darted out, tracing his bottom lip. Opening his lips slightly, his tongue dominated my own as his hands found the hem of my dress. Tracing my thighs, his hands wandered towards my panties and pushed them aside.

"You're already so wet", He rumbled while rubbing my clit.

"Sebastian", I moaned.

"That's right Mi Amore moan my name", His hands sped up.

Removing my dress, followed by my bra and panties, he gazed at my naked form. His lustful eyes made my body heat up all over, making me whimper. His hands cupped my breasts and my back arched in pleasure. My hands came up to pull his shirt away from him. Tattoos were littered all over his body and I stroked them gently.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?", His question made me smile.

Although he was turned on, he still thought about me. Any man wouldn't even think about the girl, instead they would take the chance and use them for their pleasure. But Sebastian wasn't like that, he cared for me and it made me fall even harder for him.

"Yes", I responded, kissing him once more.

Discarding his pants, I gripped his hardness and rubbed it through his boxers. He hissed and cursed incoherently. To say I felt confident would be an understatement. Taking off his boxers, he gripped grasped the back of my head and guided me to his lips.

"Please, Sebastian", I pleaded him, when he teased, still not entering me.

Slowly, he found my entrance and entered softly making me gasp in surprise. Pleasure ran through my body in waves never stopping. He guided me a few times and once I got the hang of it, I sped up, rolling my hips and bouncing on his hardness. Moans and groans of pleasure could be heard around the room.

A knot built up in my stomach, making me cry out and I bounced on his hardness with his hands on either side of my hips. Leaning into him, I kissed his lips and my body convulsed as he groaned like he was in pain.

"Come with me, Mi Amore", He whispered, nibbling my bottom lip.

With a moan, I came undone and collapsed on his chest. Breathing heavily, I looked up to his face, to see his beautiful blue eyes closed. Feeling my eyes on him, his own opened and a smile took over his lips.

"I love you".


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