Chapter 32

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Damon at the top.


Unable to hold his stare, my eyes strayed away from his to the duvet. My cheeks turned deep crimson and I thought of what he previously said. No one has called me beautiful before, that one word was unknown to me until he whispered that to my ears. That one little word made my whole world stop and my lips to quiver.

People had different opinions about me, they would call me a whore and a slut. But what hurt the most is that, they wouldn't ask my story, they would listen to Edgar's. They would pay attention to his lies. He would tell people that I would seduce him with my body and I would feel ashamed when people judged me with their eyes.

Sighing, I forced myself to snap out of my thoughts and directed my eyes towards Sebastian. He was already gazing at me with a smile on his face and he leaned in pecking my lips. No one has ever made me feel things like Sebastian did, if anyone touched me like he did, I would be trembling in fear hoping I could die in that moment.

But when Sebastian touched in places I never knew could bring me pleasure, it seemed like he was speaking to my body and it listened to his words. Maybe I was delusional for thinking that, but no matter how hard I tried to push my feelings aside, it just kept growing for him.

What I felt for him didn't scare me anymore, instead it made me excited, because he awoke feelings inside me that died a long time ago. It felt like, with his warmth and presence, he was putting back the pieces in my heart that shattered into a million pieces.

"Amelia, what happened yesterday?", His question made my throat close up.

"Nothing", I responded a little too quickly.

His eyes narrowed, scooting a little closer, he leaned in and his minty breath fanned over my face. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked at him square in the eyes, not giving anything away.

"Do you trust me?", he questioned.

Without hesitancy this time, I felt myself nodding my head. It was true, I did trust him, I trusted him with my soul and my body. I trusted him not to break my heart, instead to put back the pieces together. When he held me in his arms, it felt like I could just be me without all the baggage I carry.

"Then tell me what happened?", His eyes held something unknown to me.

Sooner or later, I knew I had to tell him why I act like this, even though he knows I got raped, he doesn't know the whole thing. I couldn't keep him in the dark forever, if he found out from someone else I couldn't live with myself.

"I-I had a son", I couldn't look him in the eyes, so my focus gathered in front of me.

The moment I said that, the air seemed suffocating and I feared for the worst. My heart clenched as I looked towards him, his expression seemed stoic and he seemed closed off, but I knew I had to continue maybe he would understand me when I finished what I was saying, or maybe he would end my life without blinking.

That thought made me flinch, and I nervously began to scratch my neck. Sebastian was a man who no one dared to come across, but I knew underneath that wall he tend to build up, he was a man who just needed someone to lean on.

"A year after I got engaged, I got pregnant with his baby, at first I begged the gods to take the little bundle of joy from my stomach, I couldn't raise him knowing his father was a killer and a rapist. But after a month or two, I accepted my fate and I grew to love the little thing growing inside of me". I took a deep breath.

"When he found out, he completely changed, he became a man I once knew, he would constantly worry and ask if I was doing okay. I thought maybe once the baby was born he would change so I believed his pretty little lies he whispered into my ears. But I learned that killers never change, instead they become more vicious". By now tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"After the baby was born, he burst through the door with a camera in hand and took a picture. I didn't know why his actions caused a sudden fear to surge through me, but once he snatched the baby from my hands, I suddenly knew why. No matter how I pleaded and begged him, he murdered my baby in front of my eyes", A sob racked through me as I finished my story.

Panic made its way as Sebastian sat still, with an expression I couldn't decipher. No matter how many deep breaths I took, anxiety shook through me and I begged him with my eyes to understand me.

"Please, please don't leave me", I clutched his shirt and sobbed helplessly.

His arms curved around my waist, pulling me to him, he laid my head on his chest and stroked my hair gently. No words were exchanged between us, but I knew he wouldn't leave me and if he did I would beg him to stay.

"I would never leave you", He uttered, kissing me forehead.

A slight smile made its way onto my face as I looked at him, gazing at me with a soft expression. My heart burst happily in my chest. I felt peace take over me as a realization crept its way onto my brain. Sebastian was my home I've been looking for.

I love you, Sebastian you're my home.

I wanted to utter those words but I held it back, instead I stood up from the bed and gave Sebastian a soft smile. He stood up also and we both made our way outside to go downstairs.


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