Chapter 45

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Eli's pic at the top.


Eyes turning to slits, I stared at the sick man who called himself a leader. His panicked expression brought a smug smirk on my lips. It was time people knew his true colors. I would make him pay for ever laying a hand on my baby sister. For two years, I've watched her tend her bleeding wounds, her eyes dull and waiting for the right time to die. Every time, my heart constricted as I saw her helpless form trying to cower into herself, wishing she could disappear.

I was the true Russian mafia leader, but the sick man I called my father, took all my power just because I couldn't rape an innocent girl. How could I, when she was just fifteen? My father was a man I despised and everyday I prayed to god he would die, so my sister could be free. But he didn't, instead the minute she was born, he told me to keep my mouth shut and not tell her she was my sister or he would simply kill her.

So I didn't, but when I held her for the first time, I was the happiest guy alive. Her soft hazel eyes were staring up to mine with curiosity. Her pink colored cheeks were puffed out as she let out a wail, but when I cooed at her, she immediately stopped crying and instead she cooed back.

At that moment, I truly felt what real love was. Sure I did love my mother even though no matter how many times I tried to get her away, she wouldn't listen but then again I was just a little boy who didn't know my father was a cold blooded man. At that time my mother made me promise I would protect my sister no matter what.

Except I broke that promise and I wanted to kill myself every time I watched my sister cry. She would try to keep her emotions inside, and if Edgar took her against her will, she wouldn't break easily, instead she would fight back. I watched those moments without doing anything, but I wanted to kill him every time his dirty hands touched her innocent soul.

I wanted to take her away from the devil's mansion. Wanted a life where we both could live happily as siblings should. When I was younger, I would dream of a life without the mafia and those dreams would become beautiful each day. We would live in a small house just the two of us, and I would protect her with my life. But they were just dreams and every time I tried to get close to her, reality got in the way.

But now I had the chance to tell her how sorry I am and to protect her from the devil who was standing in front of me. I just wanted to squeeze his neck right here and watch as his eyes slowly became lifeless. But without a plan, I could easily be doomed since the guards didn't know I was their true leader. Soon I will take my rightful place.

"I won't give up without a fight", My voice came out as a growl.

Edgar stepped closer to me, turning his face stoic but I knew he was still panicked. He snarled and marched at me, his fists flying in the air, trying to aim for my stomach. But I caught it with ease and twisted until he screamed in pain. The thing about this bastard is that he doesn't think with his mind, instead he uses his anger to hit someone.

"Don't forget that I could easily kill you", His eyes glared at me.

"Don't forget that you can't", I stated smugly.

He knew he couldn't kill me. If I die, he couldn't get to the one thing that was important to him, money. I was the main part of the mafia, who helped him transfer them to his account. He made me do his dirty work, since he was a coward who was afraid of the government. If he did kill me though, I had my trusted men who knew he did the most dirty work than all of the mafia combined and they would out him if they hear I died.

His anger could be felt from a hundred feet away. Eyes blazing, he stared at me like he wanted to choke me. But he wouldn't, because simply he wasn't strong enough instead he was a weakling who didn't know how to pick his own size to fight someone. He took another threatening step towards me and I raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"Know where you stand", He spat.

"I already do, but see, a guy who's a coward is already standing on it", I heard a chuckle behind me.

"This isn't over", His eyes darted between me and Sebastian before he turned around and left.

Letting out a sigh, I turned around and my tense shoulders relaxed. Sebastian was standing a few feet away with his arms crossed in front of him and a far away look in his eyes. As I looked at him, my mind wandered off to Amelia and at this moment I knew they were made for each other. From miles away, I could feel just how much they love each other.

"So, Amelia is your sister", His head snapped to mine.

"Yeah", My fingers smoothed out my hair.

Nodding his head, he turned his back towards me and made his way into the mansion. My eyebrows furrowed at his lack of questions but I think he already had a hunch of what I went through. Following after him, I walked through the endless hallways until I made it towards the stairs.

"Do you want to talk to her?", Sebastian stood next to me.

"I do, but I don't know what to say to her", I hated how my voice cracked, I wanted to be strong, at least for her.

"Well, start from the beginning", Sebastian suggested.

Looking towards him, I sent him a grateful smile and walked up the stairs slowly. Taking a deep breath, I stoped at Sebastian's door. Earlier Damon told me where she was staying, so I remembered the directions he gave me. Knocking on the door, my heartbeat sped up and a lump grew in my throat.

The door opened slowly, showing her beautiful innocent face. No matter how much I looked at her, my love for her never dissipated. Her big, soft hazel eyes stared up to mine and I got the brotherly urge to protect her innocence from the world. Giving her a small smile, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Can I come in?".

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