Chapter 13

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Keeping my eyes in the ground, I started to twist my hands anxiously as the girl walks towards me with only her bra and panties. Standing in front of me, she eyes me up and down with a little smirk on her face.

"I can see why he hired you", she taunts.

My brows furrow in confusion but I keep my mouth shut. Slightly, I start to lift my head up to see her staring down at me in amusement.

"Well it was nice meeting you, but I gotta get going", she says while walking back to the desk.

Picking up her clothes and putting it back on, she exits through the door after giving Sebastian a kiss on the cheek. Something inside of me swirls when she does that, but I can't put my finger on it so I just ignore it and continue to stare at the floor.

Footsteps are heard, as Sebastian makes his way over to me, looking up I see him just a centimeters are from me. Gasping in shock I start to take several steps back while he continues to step forward.

My back hits the wall and he takes the opportunity to cage me with his hands. He leans in closer until our breaths mingle together and I feel tingles in every party of my body.

"God, you smell so good", he says as he nuzzles his nose on my neck.

"I am sorry, for doing that to you, I just had to take my mind of off things", he continues.

W-what do you mean?", I ask him.

Lifting his face from my neck, he gazes at me with an unreadable expression on his face. Starting to stroke my cheek he chuckles as if amused.

"My sweet sweet, little naive Mi Amore", he smirks at me.

"I know what I did was wrong, but I just had to do it to get my mind off of you", he explains.

Eyes going wide, I stare at him in utter shock while he continues to stroke my cheeks softly. I flinch when his hands move, thinking he'll hit me or do something worse.

"Did you think I was going to hit you?", he clenches his jaw, dropping his arms to his sides.

Looking down, I swallow the lump in my throat, while tears start to form in my eyes, blinking them back, I look up at Sebastian looks like he could kill someone.

Shaking my head, I manage to give him a small smile hoping to convince him otherwise. But with the look on his face, it looks like he clearly isn't convinced.

"Tell me the truth", he commands.

"O-ok", I squeak out.

"I-it's just that you lifted your hand and I thought you were going to hit me", I took a deep breath.

"I know that", he growls at me.

"Tell me the whole truth, Amelia". He scowls.

This is the first time that he called me by my name and it does something to my body, it ignited fire within me that I didn't knew I had.

I gulp "It-it's nothing".

Gripping my arms, he pulls me closer until there is no space left between us and starts to twirl my hair in his hands.

"Tell me the whole truth right now, before I do something I regret", he commands.

"I-I am engaged", I breathe out.

Shocked, he recoils back a few steps and stares at me as if I am a total different person. I stare at him waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't open his mouth and I see anger flash in his eyes.

"You're engaged?", he asks in outrage.

I stare at the ground not know what to say or how to explain this situation. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I look up at him and slowly nod my head.

"How?", he questions.

Taking a step closer, he grips my arms roughly and pulls me against causing my head to collide with his check. When I look up, his eyes blaze with so much anger that I visibly start to shake in fear.

"Tell me", he spits out the words.

"I-it was what my father wanted", I whisper.

Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, he stares in me in complete bewilderment and starts to relax just a bit.

"So, you didn't want to get engaged?". He asks.

I shake my head and take a step towards him feeling brave for the first time. He looks shocked by the action but quickly covers it by giving me a blank expression.

"I didn't want to get engage, but I was forced to", I try to explain.

"My father dropped the bomb on me two years ago, saying I was to be engaged to his most-trusted man without a say in it. Still, I refused until he abused me continuously and that's when I had to give in", I continue, my lips quivering.

"Go on". He urges, crossing his arms over his chest.

I take a deep breath, "But he was worser than my father, sure at the first few weeks he acted like a real boyfriend, but when I didn't want to do it he beat me until I had no energy to argue and took me forcefully. From that day on he continued to abuse and rape".

By now Sebastian looks murderous, he looks like someone people don't want to mess with and if they do they would have to face the consequences of their actions.

"So, you escaped", he concludes.

I nod my head, as he slams his hands to the wall in outrage. He glares down at me and thins his lips.

"Fuck", he slams the wall again and I flinch back.

"Why didn't you tell me?", he growls.

"I-I was scared that you'll send me away", I meekly say.

"Tell me what his name is", he commands.

"Who?", I whisper.

"Your Fiancé", he says.

My eyes widen "No, no you can't Sebastian please", I plead.

"You can't stop me Mi Amore, I am going to kill him", he growls out.

"I won't tell you his name", I stand my ground.

Once again, his eyes blaze with anger and he roughly pulls me even closer to him.

"Tell me", he orders.


Hey guys I know sucky chapter, but it's going to get better.

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