Chapter 38

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Omg fangirling over how hotttt Sebastian issss lol.


"Alright, let's get this over with", We all walked into my office.

Hunter and Damon were back from their mission and I had a hunch that they succeeded since they had smug look on their faces ever since they came in. Excitement courses through my body, I was finally going to find out about his so called fiancé he liked to brag about.

"So, according to Edgar's bodyguards, he got engaged to her two years ago when her father wanted them two to be together, but Edgar abused, tortured and raped her several times", Damon sat on one of the chairs.

"Didn't her father care?, I leaned back in my chair.

"Nope, simply because he was a shitty father", Hunter situated himself on the couch.

"We still don't know her name", Hunter sighed annoyed.

Just like me, they were eager to know who the woman was, but Edgar knew how to keep her hidden well. After she ran away, he just completely became suspiciously quite. But I knew he didn't know where she was just like the rest of us. If I could find her first, my plan was to lure that son of a bitch until he begged me to kill him.

His fiancé would work under me and I would offer her protection just like my other maids. But if she didn't want that, I don't know what else I could do. Obviously I couldn't sell her off, selling women disgusted me. They were human not some objects to play with.

But people like Edgar liked to use their emotions as toys. He would torture the women and get turned on by their tears. He was one sick man who needed to be six feet under and I would gladly make sure I was the one to put him there.

"What will you do if you find out who she is?", My head snapped towards Damon.

"Just like always, I'll offer her protection", I voiced my thoughts.

"We have to be cautious because Edgar is one clever man". Hunter stood up and poured himself a wine.

"But remember, we always get what we want", Damon smirked at him.

Hunter rolled his eyes and went out of the office, Damon following behind him. All this thinking was giving me a headache and I massages my cramped head trying to ease the pain but that just made it worse. Standing up from my chair, I poured myself a whiskey and finished it in one gulp.

A knock on the door brought my attention and I strolled towards it. Opening it, I was surprised to see my beautiful angel standing there with a frantic look on her face. Eyebrows furrowing, I stared at her as she panted.

"Hey hey, it's okay, you're okay, Mi Amore" , I quickly curved my arms around her waist.

"It-it hurts", she choked out while clutching my shirt in her hands.

Gently rubbing her back in a soothing manner, I pulled her impossibly closer and buried my head in her neck getting a whiff of her intoxicating scent. My headache instantly vanished leaving me with only a tingling feeling inside me.

Only she could do that to me, give me these feelings that were still unknown to me. But no doubt I loved her. When she is close to me, my hands itches to hold her and comfort her, when she was in pain I wanted to take it away and bear the pain myself if it meant I could see her beautiful smile.

"Please, please don't ever leave me", Her sobs echoed through the room.

Pulling away from the hug, I cupped her face in my hands while she bit her lip trying to keep the sob. Staring deeply into her beautiful eyes, I fell for her even more if that was even possible. But with Amelia everything seemed possible.

"I would never leave you, you're everything to me Mi Amore", I brushed her tears away.

Carrying her bridal style, I laid her on the couch and brushed her hair away from her face, she instantly relaxed and sighed in content. Her hazel eyes gazed at me with such love that made my whole world spin.

"Can you lay down with me?", she whispered.

Wasting no time, I laid down next to her and snuggled her in my arms. She laid her head on my chest and her soft breathing gave me shivers.

"You're okay Mi Amore", I didn't know if I was reassuring her or me.

Nodding her head, she looked up at me and gave me a small barely there smile. I didn't know what caused her to freak out but that didn't matter, what mattered the most is the comfort I was giving her. What happened to her in the past, still made me beyond angry, if I find out who the fuck abused her, he won't live to see another day. His torture would be beyond painful and I would enjoy him begging for me to end his life.

When she told me she had a baby, it felt like my breathing stopped. But when she said her fiancé murdered an innocent baby, my blood boiled and my hands itched to find him and kill him. My beautiful angel shouldn't have gone through what she went through, instead she should be pampered with love and treated like a queen and it made me so fucking happy I would be the one to do that.

Looking down at my angel, I smiled when I saw her eyes closed and sleeping peacefully. She was fucking beautiful, just looking at her made me content and at peace. Her breathing was gentle as she slept peacefully, her head on my chest.

From now on, I would shower her with love and cherish her with everything in me. I would show her there is a whole beautiful world out there and teach her to not be afraid, I would fight her demons by her side and be with her even if she pushed me away.

A tap on the door interrupted my thoughts and I called out for them to come in as quietly as possible trying not to wake up Amelia. Standing up, I laid her head on the couch softly and she stirred. I froze in my movements but after a moment her breathing softened and she turned around.

Hunter was leaning on the door with his arms crossed when I turned around. Once he saw me, he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. A scowl made its way onto my lips and I flipped him off.

"The Russian guards are here".

Did I tell you guys how much I love Sebastian? But he can be pretty dumb lol. I mean still hasn't figured out who Amelia is.

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