Chapter 50

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Prepare yourselves, because this chapter is going to make you either cry or be frustrated.


Fear, panic, and anxiety all rolled into one as they crawled towards my mind and body. How can a person escape from their cruel past when it's already in front of them? I was beyond shocked as I stared at his dark emotionless eyes that seemed to glisten with hatred under the moonlit light. He stalked towards me with determination, and I wanted to scream for him to stop, but my mouth wouldn't cooperate with me as I stood frozen.

"I definitely missed you baby", His voice turned husky.

A whimper fell from my lips, as his cold hands stroked my cheeks, a moment later a slap was heard around the silent room. My hands cradled my burning cheeks as the tears of agony tumbled down and my heart thrashed around in my chest, wanting to escape this harsh world.

"Why did you run away, you slut?", He whispered in my ears, breathing turning ragged.

A scream bubbled its way onto my throat, as he yanked my hair back causing my neck to snap awkwardly. The burning sensation I felt was nothing compared to the burning in my heart. He threw me on the ground harshly, and kicked my legs, opening them for his eyes to feast on.

"If you didn't escape, you wouldn't get this punishment", He knelt down on the ground and looked into my eyes.

"Now you deserve every beating I give you", He got a knife out of his pocket, scratching my arms in the process.

"Please, please don't do this", I cried out clutching my stomach tightly.

No matter what happens to me, I couldn't let my baby die, I could endure any beating and the words of shame thrown at me, but if anything were to happen to this innocent baby, I couldn't live with my self. My hands hugged over my small form, as he continued to torture me while yelling curses my way.

"Please stop", I gasped as his grimy hands slipped through my panties.

"You deserve this", He hissed, yanking his pants down.

A bile rose in my throat, as he entered me in one swift movement. Groaning, he whispered cruel words in my ears and tears of pain fell through my eyes like a waterfall. I didn't dare to make a sound because I knew it would pleasure him if I did. But I just prayed to god for this to be over soon.

With a groan, he came inside me just as the sound of the door opening came through the room. My eyes closed in shame as I heard a shout and in one swift movement I was sitting upright, with Edgar's hands on either side of my hips.

"What the hell are you doing Edgar?", I heard Sophia screech.

"Well, hello there old friend", He chuckled pulling my body closer to him.

"No, Sophia don't come any closer", I pleaded her as she began to make her way inside.

Her eyes flickered over to me and once I saw the pain in her eyes. My heart constricted, tears built up in my eyes as I gave her a watery smile. My hands wounded around my stomach protecting the innocent baby inside me.

"Sebastian is on his way", She mouthed discreetly and relief washed through me.

Nodding my head, I focused my eyes on Edgar as he paced around the room in a calming manner. A gun was in his hands and panic settled inside me as I saw the evil grin he held on his lips. Suddenly turning around, he strolled over to me and pulled me roughly causing me to bump my head on his chest.

"Tell me, who should I kill first, you or your friend?", His disgusting voice vibrated through my body.

"You don't have to do this", I begged him.

"Oh but I do baby", He grinned and rose the gun towards Sophia.

My heartbeat sped up as I stared at her, she gave me a small assuring smile and closed her eyes as peace washed over her face. My eyes widened as Edgar loaded the gun and stalked over to her. This couldn't be happening, I had to do something. My eyes looked all over the room and when I came up with nothing, my throat closed up.

My legs worked over in their own accord as they took me to Edgar. Quickly getting into action, I tackled him to the ground putting all my weight. I flinched when my legs hit the drawer above me. A pair of shoes came into my vision, and a hand landed on my cheek.

A hand jerked me up right, Edgar's face was red with so much anger. The gun was in his right hand and my breath hitched in my throat when he placed it under my chin. His eyes shrined with so much hatred that made my head spin with fear.

"Edgar, come to your senses", Sophia slowly walked up to him.

He slowly turned his head towards her, and I took the chance to get the gun away from his hands. But just as my hand touched the tip of it, he swiveled around and a shot was heard. My widened eyes stared at Sophia in shock, as her own widened in horror.

"Amelia", She yelped and ran towards me.

My eyebrows furrowed and I looked down, all I saw was blood. It was gushing from my stomach yet I didn't feel any pain. Tears blurred my vision as I tried to stop it by placing my hands on my stomach. .

Commotion was heard outside and just as my legs hit the ground, soft hands caught me and his beautiful face came into view. His face had tears on it and I tried to wipe them away, but my hands didn't move, instead they stood frozen on my stomach.

"I am okay", I whispered, my voice hoarse.

"Amelia, stay with me, don't you dare close your eyes", His hands came up to stroke my cheeks.

"I am so so sorry for not coming earlier, but please please don't close your eyes keep them open for me Mi Amore", His voice cracked.

"It's not your fault", I smiled at him.

Black dots made me hard to see and I blinked, his face grew distant and so did his voice. My hands finally came up to wipe his tears away and I smiled at him. Taking a deep breath, the black dots began to disappear and his face became clear.

"I love you, don't you ever forget that", My voice came out soft and my hands dropped to my sides as peace washed over me and my eyes closed.

I am so sorry my baby, I couldn't save you too.


Here lies elle, died because crying too much, lol jk jk. But really tho this chapter made me emotional.

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