Chapter 34

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Waking downstairs with Sebastian, we saw Hunter and Damon waiting for him. Once they saw him, they bowed their heads slightly, while Sebastian nodded at them.

"You go ahead", Sebastian said and kissed me on the forehead.

Giving him a small smile, I made my way to the kitchen and looked around. The maids were doing their work as always, but Sophia wasn't here yet, so I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Taking a huge gulp from it, I sighed in content.

Turning around, my eyes widened as they landed on Emily, she had a smirk on her face as she looked me up and down. I squirmed uncomfortably and focused my eyes on the floor. Gulping down the lump on my throat, I closed my eyes and willed myself to calm down.

"I wonder what Sebastian sees in you", she said loudly.

My eyes once again focused on her and I made my face blank of any emotions, but no matter how much I tried to calm myself down, my throat just kept closing up and I fumbled with my hands nervously. Anxiety was crawling it's way into me, and I was afraid I would pass out from the lack of oxygen.

My eyes blurred, as black dots appeared. Blinking rapidly, I tried to get rid of them but that made it worse. Biting my lip, I kept the sob that was making its way up my throat. I didn't know why I was feeling this way, but I knew I was still afraid of people who weren't close to me.

"Leave her alone, Emily", I heard someone shout and a pair of arms curved around my waist.

"Hey hey, it's okay now, she's gone", Someone whispered into my ear.

It felt like hours until my vision cleared and I could take deep breaths again without any trouble. Looking up, Sophia had concern itched onto her face and I gave her a small smile assuring her I was okay. She let out a sigh of relief and hugged me tightly.

"Are you okay? She didn't do anything, did she?", She asked frantically.

"No, no I am okay", I mumbled.

"You want to sit down?", She gestured towards the chair.

"No it's okay, I'd rather help", I responded.

Nodding her head, she made her way to get the things ready for breakfast. I was so engrossed on my work that I didn't hear someone makes their towards me. Arms snaked around my waist making me gasp. Slightly calming down, when his scent enveloped me, my cheeks turned deep crimson at the contact.

"W-what are you doing?", I stuttered.

Not uttering a single word, he nuzzled his face in my neck while I glanced towards the maids, who were looking at us with startled expressions. Inhaling deeply, his chuckled and made me turn towards him.

Blue eyes instantly, stared into my hazel ones. I didn't know how a person's eyes could be so hypnotic, but as I stared into his, I found myself drowning into them. His eyes spoke a million words, it showed affection, tenderness, but most of all his eyes showed that he cared.

In this moment, it felt like everything and everyone else disappeared. It was just us two as we gazed at each other's eyes. I found everything about him hypnotic, it felt like my heart was lurching forward, wanting to capture his attention and wanting to tell him about its feelings.

"You're so beautiful", He uttered those words again.

A smile crawled it's way onto my face and I leaned into him, his hands gently stroked my face and my eyes closed instinctively enjoying his warmth. Those three words were on the tip of my tongue, but I forced them to not to be uttered.

"Everyone's looking", I whispered, as my eyes darted to the maids.

"So, let them look", He leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I was Emily glaring towards us and she huffed angrily stomping out of the kitchen. I suddenly felt like she liked Sebastian, and my fear grew once again thinking the worst. What if he liked her back? What if they had a thing going on? These questions made my insides clench painfully.

But as I looked at his beautiful eyes, those thoughts instantly vanished and my doubts cleared as I saw the intense look in his eyes. My hands cupped his face and his eyes closed with a slight smile on his lips. My heart burst happily, knowing I could make him smile with just a slight touch.

"Come on, let's sit", He entwined our hands together and made his way to the dining room despite my protests.

Pulling out a chair, he motioned for me to sit down, I knew better than to argue with him so I just gave in and sat down. Sophia entered through the door with the utensils, placing them on the table, she gave me a small smile and walked out.

"From now on, you'll be sitting with me", As he whispered, his breath tickled my ear and I let out a giggle.

"You're tickling me", I spoke.

Amusement flashed around his eyes as he grinned at me. He glanced towards the door and immediately his expression changed to blank and I glanced to see the guards making their way in. My focus gathered towards my plate as the guards sat down quietly.

The maids, made their way in and placed our foods on our plates, I began to stand up to help them but a hand shot out and grabbed my arm, Sebastian shook his head with a firm expression and I sat down slowly.

As we began to eat our food, I made a mistake as my eyes glanced towards Emily who was standing at the far corner, she had a murderous look in her eyes that made me squirm in my seat uneasily.
Holyyy shitt 31K reads and 849 votes. You guys really make my day. Thank you guys so much. Please keep voting and commenting. 💕💕😘😘❤️❤️.

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