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In this moment, I would really like to thank the people who have been there with me through my 'journey' we call life. I do really appreciate it and you know who you are. It's now time to go. I can't take this anymore. Knowing that I am the last resort. Knowing that I'm only here for people who have no one else because they are at work or doing other stuff. It's like I have no one anymore. Everyone's gone off to hang out with other people. I get it, you don't wanna hang out with me and I get it's annoying when I get jealous, but when your in my fucking situation and you get treated like shit everyday from your family because you are depressed and anxious which you can't help and you never have any plans unless you make them because no one wants to hang out with you and they only ever do unless you force them to, you would want to leave too. You WOULD understand why I have to leave. I know it will be hard for one person reading this but you know what I'm going through and I know you have it harder than me but it's still hard for me so please don't judge me for what i have written.
Anyway, bye for now, I hope you stay alive for me (you know who you are) because you deserve to be alive and although it's hard right now, I promise it will get better in time but you need to let people help you when they are trying to because you will never get better otherwise and you'll always end up feeling like shit.
Stay alive guys
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