Update - 16/12/2018

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Gonna be a long one

So I've finally finished school. That was about 2 months ago and it's made me a lot happier to have finished school because there's a lot less pressure and stress put on me but I'm still sad to have left. I miss the funny classes and being out everyday but I don't miss the work at all. The point is hold on to being in school because although you may not be enjoying you I guarantee you will miss parts of it once you finish. Anyway, the last day of school was really fun as it was muck up day and I went as a minion with my best friend and it was a really fun. It started by getting there and taking photos for the school Facebook and taking lots of selfies with everyone. Then there were two blow up things and my favourite one was the one where you jump and duck under the spinning thing and that was really tiring and fun and it was also really fun to watch people fail on it, the second one was a race where you had to go through the obstacles and then go down the slide and that was also really fun. We also got a free sausage sizzle and juice box. We then had the assembly and I was just laughing so I wouldn't cry the whole time. After that we got free ice cream but the line was so fucking long but it was fun chatting with everyone. Then most people went to palm beach jetty and we all jumped off the jetty in our school clothes and it was so fucking fun and I was having the best time. I was having so much fun that at one point I stepped in glass and ignored it because I was in such a good mood apart from freezing my ass off from the water being so cold. After that we got changed and went to silly string the kids at the bus stop as that's what happens every year. When we were silly stringing another car of year 12's went passed and water ballooned the kids and it was so funny.

Moving on. Graduation day was alright but mainly boring. We had rehearsals which was fun seeing everyone again and funny as everyone couldn't behave. Then we went to the shops to get some last minute graduation pieces. We all got ready at home and I went to my friends house and we picked up our two other friends and had a good ride up there. We were sitting in the graduation chairs for about two and half hours and it was so boring and felt like it went on forever. When i was walking up to get my package I was just thinking don't fall and it was so scary. When I got to the principle, he complimented my hair and I sat back down. At the end of the night everyone was taking photos with their family's and then me and my friend went and got a whole dinner box to ourselves and it was so good.

The next day I had my last dance competition with my girls and I was so sad that whole day because it was the last time I saw my girls. We were there the whole day and it was a good day as I saw all the dance girls again. We rehearsed, for lunch, did our makeup and performed. It was a good performance. We didn't win but we ended up getting most energetic dance or something. I then got Sam churros and went home and that was the end of my school journey!😭

Now that I've finished school, I've been getting lots of shifts but as I'm soon turning 18, I decided about a month ago to go part time. With going part time you have to compete a cert III in retail which would be payed for by work. So I did my first shift doing file which is a whole file full of booklets answering questions about the workplace. It wasn't too bad as I had people around me helping but I feel like it's gonna become harder. Anyway, apart of doing this Cert is having to sign a contract which includes staying there for another 18 months to complete the file which means I can't quit with all the other people who started around the same time as me. There's literally like 5 other people that I know of that are quitting soon which makes me sad because I've been there for three and a half years and I just wanna leave but I couldn't become part time without doing the cert.  Now that I'm part time I'm getting a lot more shifts but that might be because I finished school but I've been getting lots of 2-10 shifts and other 8 hour shifts. One week I got 3, 2-10 shifts and then 2, 12-8 shifts in the same week and I got paid over $500 and it was so good.

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