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Millie's pov

I wake up to light, sunlight. I open my eyes, and everything is blurry.

I grab my glasses off the nightstand, and put them on. I check my phone and the time, 9:26. I look over to Finns bed, and he's still sleeping. I get up and go to the bathroom, brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and putting my contacts in. After that, I walk out of the bathroom, and see that Finn isn't in his bed anymore. I walk over to the kitchen, and I saw that we had waffles in the freezer. I made some, and sat down at the island, and got a glass of milk too.

I was on my phone, drinking my milk, when Finn walked into the kitchen.

With no shirt on.

I looked at him and spit out my milk.

"What?" He asked, as I wiped my face.

"You-never mind." I said, not looking at his abs. Does he play a sport?

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Do you play a sport?" I asked him. He looked down at his stomach, that he has abs on, and he smiled at me.

"Oooohhhh, I get it." He said, raising his eyebrows and smiling at me.

"No-I wasn't-

"Yeah you were." He said, turning around looking in the pantry.

"I really wasn't." I said, and he turned around and smiled at me.

"I find that hard to believe." He said, and laughed, putting waffles in the toaster, walking up to me, from across the island.

"I mean, it would help if you put a shirt on." I said, and he smiled.

"I'm good. You want to look at it, so I mean, go ahead." He said, and I pretended to shield my eyes with my hands.

"Get away from me, you monster!" I yelled, getting up and running away, laughing. I almost made it to the door, but I felt Finn pick me up from behind, and toss me on my bed, and we both laughed. I tried to get up, but he got on my bed and fake wrestled me, pinning my hands down.

"You know you want to!!" He yelled, playfully.

"You know I don't!!!" I yelled back, trying to stop my laughter.

Before he could respond, I heard the toaster pop. He looked at me, and got closer to my face.

"You're a lucky one." He said, getting up to go eat his waffles. I sat up and walked into the kitchen, putting my plate in the dishwasher.

"You know, two can play this game Wolfhard." I said, leaning into the island, while he was eating his waffle.

"Try me." He said, and I smiled.

"I'm not doing it now, I'm going to catch you off guard." I said, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Hmm." He mumbled, and I laughed, grabbing my phone.

"I play lacrosse." Finn said, and I gave him a confused look.

"You asked if I play a sport. I play lacrosse." He said, and I nodded.

"I have practice today. 6-8. So I guess you'll have to find something to do without me." He said, and smiled at me.

"Challenge accepted." I said, and he laughed.


A couple hours later, I was on my phone in my bed, and I looked up at Finn, walking around. He was wearing shorts and a CHS lacrosse shirt, for his practice.

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