The girl.

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Millie just posted that she "can't go" to the mtv awards because she "split her kneecap" but my friends and everyone online are saying that the cast she's using isn't the right one to wear if she split her kneecap, you could buy it at target.


Wasn't even planning on updating today but that video of her came out and I'm pissed.

By the way, my phone is fixed, I got an 8!! I'm happy now.

Millie's pov

This random guy in our school was in the room with this girl, and he had her against the wall, repeatedly punching her in the face, telling her what a slut she was.

I looked at Finn, and he looked at me too, before walking over there, and pulling the guy off the girl.

The guy punched Finn in the face, yet Finn didn't go down. He turned his head, then faced him again.

"Nice try bud," Finn said, and took the guy down to the ground, and I looked away, to the girl. Her lip was bleeding, there was a circle of red around her eye where the guy was punching her, and her nose was bleeding.

I walked over to her, and caught her before she fell down.

"My names Millie. Hey, you're okay. You're okay. We're here." I said, and she was still crying, shaking. She was about my height, maybe an inch taller. I took her by my hand, and led her into my room, and sat her on my bed.

"Stay here." I said, and going back to her room, to see Finn still going at the guy, who's clearly about to go unconscious.

"Finn!" I yelled, grabbing him and throwing him off the guy.

"Leave him." I said, and all I could see in Finns
eyes were anger. I grabbed his hands, and his eyes softened. I led him into our room.

I took the girls hands and led her to the bathroom, and Finn followed.

"I'm getting her some of her clothes. Stay here and help her." I said, and he nodded. I walked out and into her dorm, and I found her closet and dresser. I got her a pair of pajamas, and a pair of clothes for tomorrow.

She's definitely not staying here tonight, she's staying with Finn and I. I turned around and saw that the guy was up. Fear took over me, as he launched himself at me, and banged my head against the wall, strangling me. I tried to breathe, but I couldn't.

"Who are you? I was in the middle of something. She deserved it, that little slut. Now since your fucking roommate decided to try and kill me, I'm going to kill you." He said, just choking me tighter. I let go of the girls clothes and grabbed both of his hands that were on my neck, and I could already feel my face getting cold. My eyes were bulging, and he had an evil smile on his face.

I was about to pass out, but his hands released my neck, and I saw that Finn was pulling him off me, attacking him yet again. I sat down, taking in breaths, trying to gain my full consciousness back in me.

I saw Finn turn over to me, and sit down next to me.

"Millie, breathe." He said, and I breathed.

"I knocked him out. Are you okay?" He asked, and I finally caught my breath to talk.

"Yeah, I just got scared." I said, and Finns hand went to my cheek, wiping a tear I didn't even know was there.

"Go check on the girl in our room." I said, and he helped me stand up.

"Okay, but take deep breaths Millie. Grab whatever you were getting and get out of here." He said, running back into our room.

I caught my breath, and grabbed her clothes. I checked in her bathroom if she had contacts or glasses, and she did. I grabbed her contact case and her glasses case, and walked out, closing the door this time.

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