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I should've updated the other day, but I've spent the past week stressing about tests, my softball tournament, and crying. I didn't have time for this, but you'll really appreciate this chapter. You're welcome. Have a good day, I love you, you're beautiful.

Millie's pov

I wake up, still secure in Finns arms.

He's breathing heavily, so he must still be asleep.

I slowly shift out of his arms, and try not to wake him up. I get out of his arms, but right as I'm about to get off the bed, I hear Finn.

"Where are you going?" He asked in his morning voice, and I smiled.

"To shower, chill." I said, and he smiled and closed his eyes again.

I walked into the bathroom and took my clothes off, and got in the shower. I washed my hair, body, face, whatever, then I got out and wrapped a towel around me.

I looked in the mirror, and I gasped loudly.

"Oh my god," I yelled, and I heard a thump from outside the bathroom, and I heard Finns footsteps.

"Are you okay?!" He yelled from the other side of the door. I opened the door, and he looked at me, and looked at the single towel that was keeping me from not being completely naked, and widened his eyes.

"I don't know, Finn, does it look like I'm okay?" I asked him, and moved my hair out of the way of my neck, exposing the huge hickey that he left on my upper neck.


I shut the door on him again, and locked it, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say.

"I'm sorry." He said, in a tone like he felt bad or something. I sighed and opened the door, to Finn who was leaning against the wall next to the door. He looked at me, and didn't look anywhere else.

"It's okay." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked me, and I nodded and smiled.

"Okay." He said.


I shut the door on him again, locking it, and got ready.

I put on a black skirt with the loose end, and had a light blue-ish white button up flannel tucked into the skirt. I brushed through my hair, then put it up in a pony tail. I didn't put any makeup on, or cover the mark that's on my neck, because nobody is coming over.

I walked out of the bathroom, and saw Finn laying in his bed, his eyes closed. I sat down on my bed, since it was still made. I checked my phone and sent streaks, because I haven't checked it in forever.

Finn got up, and he went to the kitchen, most likely to eat something.


"So how was your flight back to England?" I asked Maddie. We were on FaceTime, on the computer.

"It was pretty good, I slept most of the time, and watched greys anatomy." She said, and we both laughed.

Then, she literally screamed my name.

"What??" I asked her, and her mouth dropped.

"Turn your head again!!" She said, and I turned it.

"Don't tell me that Finn Wolfhard gave you a hickey," She said, and I laughed.

"Finn Wolfhard gave me a hickey." I said, and she was still in shock.

"Jesus, what did you guys do when I left?" She asked, and I smiled. I heard the beep of the key from outside the door, and turned to look over to the door opening. 

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